
Monday, September 30, 2019

Evolution of Internet Essay

In the beginning information was limited to newspapers, magazines, later went on to the radio and then the television. As time passed by the one-dimensional approach of information changed into a multi-dimensional trend setting phenomenon thanks to the internet. The convergence of mediums threw up huge areas of possibilities for data management and readership. So now the prior print journalism had changed to broadcast and then now the latest cyber journalism. 5. 1. The Need Internet is used as an alternative for other means of technology such as, †¢ Need of communication †¢ Need for resources †¢ Needs for information and †¢ Need for selling and marketing products 5. 2. World Wide Web The internet led to the development of the World Wide Web for effective and efficient tool of information sharing and communications. This section explains the evolution. 5. 3. Arrival of the Web A Licklider research in 1962 led to the advent of the ARPANET within the next 10 years. The next few years saw the introduction of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, which allowed computers to communicate with each other. Later came the 80s, where the internet came formally into being. Hypertext language (Berners-Lee 1989, 1990) later became the language of the internet. The World Wide Web solved many of the issues faced and came forward with a lot of benefits such as online communities, learning opportunities, email, mailing lists, chat, news and newsgroups, sales, marketing, advertising, e-commerce, net telephony, television and many more. It all started of with the network between universities in 1969, till 1980 it catered to the needs of universities. In 1993, a software Mosaic allowed images and text to be displayed on the internet. This led to the beginning of a revolution of the World Wide Web. Journalism has drastically changed the face of reporting and information gathering. The World Wide Web gives an opportunity to use technology for the benefit of the writer as well as the reader. The need for tools and resources to improve the individual’s journalistic ambitions as well as the organization involved (Garrison, 1998). The steps for journalism are clearly explained in (Hausman, 1992). Some clear principles of web production for web developers (Whittaker) for users besides computer professionals are well explained. This gives an idea of what needs to be done and how it has to be done. Nielsen (1999) explains well the design concepts involved both which are page design, content design, site design and intranet design. According to Sundar (2000) the prime way of attracting readership to internet and print media is the level of interactivity goes beyond images. Internet is a medium in audio, visual, visual effects and animation, along with non-linear narrative structures (Grusin and Bolter, 1999). Online information is a place for data storage so that information can be accessed as and when required, these have become electronic libraries for storage (Koch). In one of the papers (Augustine and Greene, 2002) it is explained that in the case of a library, the students frequently use the search instead of browsing through the pages in the website. So in cases like this the website importance becomes more concentrated on the search factor. So the web designers will have to improve upon the metadata and search engine features to facilitate the students much better. Verlag (2005) gives a detailed description why people do not visit websites. The reasons may be varied but loosing a reader is not a good point for journalism. Information is so massive and so varied that if you search for a topic it will throw up a lot of relevant and irrelevant entries. The net is also a source for fraud, spoofs and indecent matter. It is important that information is filtered based on the search requirement (CNET). 5. 4. Designing the website Websites designed serve different purposes they can be introductory pages, brochures designs for sales and marketing, latest news coverage, online services, business applications and many more. To develop the right website what is required is, †¢ A plan for the site. This plan needs to contain the navigation style, the menu structure and other links. †¢ Layout of website. This refers to the positioning of the website which consists of images, texts, headers, footers and logo. †¢ Content. The information that is going to fill the website. The material such as images, audios and videos, everything needs to be decided. 5. 5. Websites for user-Interaction Most of the websites available allow for user interaction,, these websites can be classified as †¢ Websites for E-Commerce. Where sales and marketing are promoted through advertisements and online transactions. †¢ Website for business purposes. This keeps the users informed about the goings on of business organizations and institutions for B@B and B2C transactions. †¢ Website with user interaction. Forms that is available online for filling such as feedback, contact forms and so on. †¢ Information exchange. Online libraries, digital magazines, news papers, blogs that contain the latest information. 5. 6. Uses of Websites There are a lot of benefits that any industry can get from websites, some of them being †¢ Up-to-date information. The easy design makes updating very simple. †¢ Branding. A company, organisation, person can be put into the limelight by very good brand managing and websites have become a very strong tool for the purpose. †¢ Correspondence. Email, chat, net telephony has made geographical divisions and differences very small, cheap and easy. †¢ Online sales and services. Companies are using the internet to increase their sales and marketing. †¢ Client/Customer satisfaction. Customer relationship management has reached a new level with the internet making interaction personal and secure. 6. Similar Websites Websites are of different types such as business websites, personal websites, governmental websites, private organisation websites and informative websites. These websites provide various themes, such as employment, directory, games, politics and sports. Some websites are studied to analyse what the user is looking for when looking for information. The website results have been consolidated after the research methods used above. 6. 1. Study of website -1 The website being discussed has an exclusive theme of permit free training in the UK. The website voices opinions against the verdict given by the judiciary system. The website keeps doctors of Indian origin updated about rule and regulations regarding their welfare. The team aims to improve the skill of doctors so that their contribution to NHS and is note worthy. The website also helps in petitioning against injustices and atrocities against doctors. It also guides and supports doctors by way of financial assistance and employment assistance. The website assists in many ways and gives information of the organisation their objectives, goals and actions. The user can also subscribe for the newsletter that is available via email. The user can also publish their messages on the online message board. High points of the website – http://www. bapioaction. moonfruit. com/ †¢ Broken Links. There are no broken links. Each page goes to another page. †¢ Writing style. The written style is simple and easy to understand. †¢ Content overview. The website aims to be up-to-date, which is good. So anyone who visits the page is assured of the latest information. Low points of the website †¢ Design of the website. The design is simple but the formats and fonts are not consistent across the webpage. There is too much wastage of space. The alignment and consistency in the pages is missing. †¢ Layout of the website. The website layout is not regular throughout. There are buttons, messages and images all over the place. †¢ Navigation. It is not easy to navigate through the website as there are too many links all over the page. †¢ Time taken to load. The page takes time to load, it is very slow. †¢ Errors. Pages sometimes overload and it is difficult to read as two pages are overlapped. †¢ Download. It opens into another page and then into the download option, which is inconvenient. †¢ Browser compatibility. Mozilla Firefox an Internet Explorer has some problems while opening the pages and displaying contents. †¢ User-friendliness. The website is easy to use but not friendly enough as navigation, formats and all the above mentioned problems.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cypop 5 Task 6

Task 6 Maintaining a good relationship needs a lot of information for it to work, it is essential for the parents to be involved as they are the MOST important person in the child’s life. Without communication and information a small problem can quickly turn into a large problem which will be more difficult to solve. The parents are the ones that know their child the best and also hold the key to all their little ways. We as childminders help the children to develop to their best potential, by involving the parents we can all work together on the same page to give the child the consistency they need to develop.Good communication is a vital part of the relationship between parents, children and childminders; this will make sure that the child and parents know how they are getting on and what has been happening whilst the child is in your setting. This can be maintained by regular meetings to discuss the child’s progress and also any problems that may be occurring. These discussions may reveal changes in the child’s home/social life so will have to be handled sensitively.When the parents have decided to use my service I will give them a copy of my contract and ask them to take it away to read and to sign it. In the first meeting the parents will be given all the information needed to make a decision whether or not to send their child to me. This information could include availability and costing, I will also give a tour of my facilities and an explanation of the activities that I will provide. Routines are important in a child’s life, where possible I will endeavour to work with them. Every child’s needs are different, from nap times to special diets etc.From the first session with the child/parents I will work with them both to find out their needs and have them planned into the days activities. An agreement will be made between myself and the parents to provide what the child needs to develop and anything that the child is or is not allowed, e. g. sweets, TV, toys etc. Where possible the children will be involved in decision making, for example what activities they would like to do, what to eat for lunch etc providing these decisions are practicable and fall within the agreed guidelines.It is important to let the children take part in the day to day running of the setting wherever it is safe to do so, this will give them a sense of responsibility and achievement. Routines change and differ from child to child; a child of 12 months would have a different routine to a child of 5 years. As a child grows I will make sure that the routine is changed to suit the needs of the child. For example they may need a shorter nap time or if they are an older child then make sure their homework is done. Dinner times etc may need to be changed to reflect the changing routines.As a child grows the need for things like nappy changing, 1:1 feeding and nap time decrease and the time for playing and interacting increases. Onc e the child reaches school they may need to have increased relaxation time so that they can adjust to a school routine, and more quiet time so that any homework can be completed. The way in which I will welcome a new child to my setting would be to introduce myself and the others in My household to the child and maybe â€Å"buddy† them up with another child-if possible of a similar age to themselves.The new child will then have someone they can turn to for any help if they do not want to come to me. I will make sure that any special comforters are identified before hand and brought with the child on the first day so that there is something familiar they can be comfortable with. From the outset the child will be involved in some of the decision making, and I will be there if they have any problems or if they just need a cuddle. I could help them settle in by knowing any information that might help, i. . any siblings, pets, favourite family members/toys etc. I could use this in formation to help them in the transition from home to childminder; this may be the first time they have been away from their parents. All the children in my care will be treated equally and with respect, but I will also take into account different cultural differences. The children in my care will be encouraged to learn about other people’s cultures, history and backgrounds, this could include food, religious festivals, music etc.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Booker T. Washington Versus W. E. B. du Boise

Booker T. Washington Versus W. E. B. du Boise Essay Booker T. Washington believed that blacks should not push to attain equal civil and political rights with whites. That it was best to concentrate on improving their economic skills and the quality of their character. The burden of improvement resting squarely on the shoulders of the black man. Eventually they would earn the respect and love of the white man, and civil and political rights would be accrued as a matter of course. This was a very non-threatening and popular idea with a lot of whites. For two decades Washington established a dominant tone of gradualism and accommodationism among blacks, only to find in the latter half of this period that the leadership was passing to more militant leaders such as W. E. B. DuBois During the four decades following reconstruction, the position of the Negro in America steadily deteriorated. The hopes and aspirations of the freedmen for full citizenship rights were shattered after the federal government betrayed the Negro and restored white supremacist control to the South. Blacks were left at the mercy of ex-slaveholders and former Confederates, as the United States government adopted a laissez-faire policy regarding the Negro problem in the South. The era of Jim Crow brought to the American Negro disfranchisement, social, educational, and occupational discrimination, mass mob violence, murder, and lynching. Under a sort of peonage, black people were deprived of their civil and human rights and reduced to a status of quasi-slavery or second-class citizenship. Strict legal segregation of public facilities in the southern states was strengthened in 1896 by the Supreme Courts decision in the Plessy vs. Ferguson case. Racists, northern and southern, proclaimed that the Negro was subhuman, barbaric, immoral, and innately inferior, physically and intellectually, to whitestotally incapable of functioning as an equal in white civilization. Between the Compromise of 1877 and the Compromise of 1895, the problem facing Negro leadership was clear: how to obtain first-class citizenship for the Negro American. How to reach this goal caused considerable debate among Negro leaders. Some advocated physical violence to force concessions from the whites. A few urged Negroes to return to Africa. The majority, however, suggested that Negroes use peaceful, democratic means to change undesirable conditions. Some black leaders encouraged Negroes to become skilled workers, hoping that if they became indispensable to the prosperity of the South, political and social rights would be granted to them. Others advocated struggle for civil rights, specifically the right to vote, on the theory that economic and social rights would follow. Most agreed that solutions would come gradually. Negro leadership near the turn of the century was divided between these two tactics for racial equality, which may be termed the economic strategy and the political strategy. The most heated controversy in Negro leadership at this time raged between two remarkable black menBooker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBois. The major spokesman for the gradualist economic strategy was Washington. DuBois was the primary advocate of the gradualist political strategy. Washington learned the doctrine of economic advancement combined with acceptance of disfranchisement and conciliation with the white South from Armstrong. His rise to national prominence came in 1895 with a brief speech, which outlined his social philosophy and racial strategy. Washington was invited to speak before an integrated audience at the opening of the Cotton States and International Exposition held in Atlanta in September 1895. He was the first Negro ever to address such a large group of southern whites Washington is remembered chiefly for this Atlanta Compromise address. In this speech, he called on white America to provide jobs and industrial-agricultural education for Negroes. READ: Resistance To Technology EssayIn exchange, blacks would give up demands for social equality and civil rights. His message to the Negro was that political and social equality was less important as immediate goals than economic respectability and independence. Washington believed that if blacks gained an economic foothold, and proved themselves useful to whites, then civil rights and social equality would eventually be given to them. Blacks were urged to work as farmers, skilled artisans, domestic servants, and manual laborers to prove to whites that all blacks were not liars and chicken thieves. The philosophy of Washington was one of accommodation to white oppression. He advised blacks to trust the paternalism of the southern whites and accept the fact of white supremacy. He stressed the mutual interdependence of blacks and whites in the South, but said they were to remain socially separate: In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress. Washington counseled blacks to remain in the South, obtain a useful education, save their money, work hard, and purchase property. By doing such things, Washington believed, the Negro could ultimately earn full citizenship rights. Several Negro leaders voiced their opposition to Washingtons Atlanta Compromise with its admonition to work and wait. They could not topple Washington from power, but one of them did win recognition as a leader of the oppositionW. E. B. DuBois. DuBois was not an early opponent of Washingtons program. He enthusiastically accepted the Tuskegeeans Atlanta Compromise philosophy as sound advice. He said in 1895 that Washingtons speech was a word fitly spoken. In fact, during the late 1890s, there were several remarkable similarities in the ideas of the two men, who for a brief period found issues on which they could cooperate. Both Washington and DuBois tended to blame Negroes themselves for their condition. They both placed emphasis on self-help and moral improvement rather than on rights. Both men placed economic advancement before universal manhood suffrage. The professor and the principal were willing to accept franchise restrictions based on education and property qualifications, but not race. Both strongly believed in racial solidarity and economic cooperation, or Black Nationalism. They encouraged the development of Negro business. They agreed that the black masses should receive industrial training. The years from 1901 to 1903 were years of transition in DuBois philosophy. DuBois grew to find Washingtons program intolerable, as he became more outspoken about racial injustice and began to differ with Washington over the importance of liberal arts education when the latters emphasis on industrial education drew resources away from black liberal arts colleges. DuBois noted that Washingtons accommodating program produced little real gain for the race. Another factor that alienated DuBois from Washington was the fact that Washington and his Tuskegee Machinean intricate, nation-wide web of institutions in the black community that were conducted, dominated, and strongly influenced by Washingtonkept a dictatorial control over Negro affairs that stifled honest criticism of his policies and other efforts at Negro advancement. DuBois came to view Washington as a political boss who had too much power and used it ruthlessly to his own advantage. Although DuBois admitted that he was worthy of honor, he believed Washington was a limited and misguided leader. DuBois launched a well-reasoned, thoughtful, and unequivocal attack on Washingtons program in his classic collection of essays, The Souls of Black Folk, in 1903. In The Souls of Black Folk, DuBois took the position that the Black men of America have a duty to perform; a duty stern and delicatea forward movement to oppose a part of the work of their greatest leader. READ: on the Epic Poem, Beowulf - Anglo-Saxon Valu EssayIn an essay entitled, Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others, DuBois said that Washingtons accommodationist program asked blacks to give up political power, insistence on civil rights, and higher education for Negro youth. He believed that Washingtons policies had directly or indirectly resulted in three trends: the disfranchisement of the Negro, the legal creation of a distinct status of civil inferiority for the Negro, and steady withdrawal of aid from institutions for the higher training of the Negro. DuBois charged that Washingtons program tacitly accepted the alleged inferiority of the Negro. Expressing the sentiment of the radical civil rights advocates, DuBois demanded for all black citizens 1) the right to vote, 2) civic equality, and 3) the education of Negro youth according to ability. Generally, DuBois opposed Washingtons program because it was narrow in its scope and objectives, devalued the study of the liberal arts, and ignored civil, political, and social injustices and the economic exploitation of the black masses. DuBois firmly believed that persistent agitation, political action, and academic education would be the means to achieve full citizenship rights for black Americans. He stressed the necessity for liberal arts training because he believed that black leadership should come from college-trained backgrounds. DuBois philosophy of the Talented Tenth was that a college-educated elite would chart, through their knowledge, the way for economic and cultural elevation for the black masses. The NAACP was a coalition of black and white radicals which sought to remove legal barriers to full citizenship for Negroes. DuBois was one of the founding members of the organization. Both Washington and DuBois wanted the same thing for blacksfirst-class citizenshipbut their methods for obtaining it differed. Because of the interest in immediate goals contained in Washingtons economic approach, whites did not realize that he anticipated the complete acceptance and integration of Negroes into American life. He believed blacks, starting with so little, would have to begin at the bottom and work up gradually to achieve positions of power and responsibility before they could demand equal citizenshipeven if it meant temporarily assuming a position of inferiority. DuBois understood Washingtons program, but believed that it was not the solution to the race problem. Blacks should study the liberal arts, and have the same rights as white citizens. Blacks, DuBois believed, should not have to sacrifice their constitutional rights in order to achieve a status that was already guaranteed.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Scholarly Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Scholarly Articles - Essay Example These articles and their explanations are, In introducing his thesis, the author identifies various writers who have articles on the same topic. For example he identifies Paul Carmenisch and his explanation of ethical practices as the core of business activities (Chase, 2004). He names provision of goods and services as an important ethical practice organizations need to undertake. The author uses Carmenisch arguments to build on his thesis and in the second paragraph; he identifies Christian values in respect to business ethics. This is the theses of this article. The structure of this article is different from articles on Story grammar in the sense that this article introduces its thesis by use of authors who have written on such a topic while in story grammar articles; there is use of case studies to introduce a thesis statement. In introducing the thesis, the writer uses a case study which gives example of how corporations are hard to kill. In the second paragraph, the author introduces the thesis statement by use of a question, the question is, and the question asked is in reference to advertisements as a means of building a business brand (Stackhouse, 2004) This is similar with article in story grammar which uses case studies in introducing their thesis. The author has used a case study to introduce his thesis. The Story of Martha Stewart, producer of beverages, jailed but her company for business malpractices but her company still performed well. In introducing his thesis, in the first paragraph, he starts by Quoting woods Allen, a 1980 author. He uses APA style of referencing. In the second paragraph, the author introduces the discussion topics of his paper and thereafter, the importance decision making, which is his thesis. This article is different from articles in story grammar because it does have a case study in developing its thesis (Gill, 2004). On the article, Reflections on Consumerism in a Global Era, the author has managed

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Critique of any qualitative Nursing Reserch Paper Research

Critique of any qualitative Nursing Reserch - Research Paper Example One of the major motivations behind the research conducted by Walker and colleagues (2010) was the absence of predialysis guidelines and educational components that would facilitate and regulate the work and professional development of predialysis nursing in New Zealand. Walker et al (2010) opted in for qualitative method of gathering information and based their study on descriptive exploratory methodology. The sample for the study was comprised of fourteen nurses located in New Zealand, and the main criterion for the sample selection was â€Å"any nurse providing pre-dialysis education and care in New Zealand† (Walker et al, 2010, p.5). According to Walker et al (2010), the data for analysis was gathered via semi-structured interviews, which allowed interviewers to obtain in-depth description and discussion of the problem of nurse’s role in effective predialysis care. According to Marshall & Rossman (2011), the purpose of qualitative research is to gather an in-depth understanding of a problem, and its method aims to investigate the why and how of decision making, thus, the study by Walker et al (2010) corresponds to the criteria of qualitative study. During their semi-structured interviews, authors (Walker et al, 2010) opted in for c ollecting demographic data of the participants. Walker et al (2010) applied inductive approach to retrieve thematic content for the study discussion. Study’s preliminary findings were retrieved from the analysis of transcripts and were later discussed by participants’ group formed of predialysis nurses, which facilitated the formulation of themes and further analysis. As indicated by Marshall & Rossman (2011), in order to build a sold proposal the researchers has to argue that the study has the potential to contribute to theorizing and research, to policy issues and policy making. From the critical perspective, Walker et al (2010) did not

Taxation essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Taxation - Essay Example In recent time different type of taxation function differently and it explain their reason for resource allocation, income distribution and aggregate demand in the economy. According to Modern Monetary Theory, taxation is a necessary tool used in controlling the amount of money in the economy. Taxation ensured that government spending is done while checking on the increase in inflation. Government spending increases the supply of money and boosts the countries spending in the short run. Taxations of the spending ensure that it reduces the supply of money and thus reduces inflations in the long run. Through taxation the governments ‘does eat the cake and have it.’ Public expenditure ensures people are provided the necessary services and at the same time government collect revenue out of money paid in completion of its projects. All forms of taxations are believed to have an impact on the allocation of resources with except of poll tax. Taxation changes the relative prices of goods and services making both producers and consumers adjust accordingly whenever there are changes in taxations (The principles of Taxation). Therefore, government taxes producers in specific economic sectors to discourage the inefficiency. For example, the increase in alcohol beverages taxation is ensured to discourage on the consumption of alcohol in the economy. According to the U.K government, the consumption of alcohol reduces the productivity of the people which in turn reduces the countries incomes. In an economy, there are public and private goods. Moreover, the production of these goods results to production of externalities as byproducts. The production process can produce negative and positive externality, and it is the function of government to control on the production of the negative externality. This reason gives the government power to use the power of taxation to minimize or remedies the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Border security issues (week 3) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Border security issues (week 3) - Essay Example However, Narco-Traficante economy has also provided income for some people and thus they use this money for buying of normal goods in the normal economy. Amexica being a region located between two countries has a multitude of cultures. These cultures originate from different generations, resulting to residents of this region adopting to more than one culture. The people of this region have however been able to maintain their native culture despite also adopting modern cultures. In terms of language the people of this region use English and Spanish interchangeably and have even coined a new language by mixing these two languages. â€Å"Spanglish† as known by Hispanic-Americans is a unique language that emerged as a result of the switching between English and Spanish languages (Meadow, 2009). The language borrows words from English and makes them have Spanish sounding for efficiency. To convey words that have cultural meaning the users mix Spanish between English sentences. Apart from a unique language the Amexica culture also has a unique and rich blend of music styles. The music in Amexica is a blend of some of the Mexican music styles with other music styles from other cultures such as the European culture (Meadow, 2009). This music has also been able to incorporate music instruments that were popular in Europe, for instance the polka and the accordion. Meadows, B. (2009). Nationalism and language learning at the US/Mexico border: An ethnographically-sensitive critical discourse analysis of the reproduction of nation, power, and privilege in an English language classroom. Detroit:

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Review - Article Example However, not only were their actions racist, albeit disguised thinly, â€Å"[b]ut the new policies were also deeply embedded in widespread and widely shared assumptions† (Kessler-Harris 2010, 437) that can only be classified as sexist. Those busy in reforming the law made it clear that they were more interested in safeguarding what was, then, classic American way of life, than safeguarding the rights of all. The reforms that were proposed sought to take contributions from all working people, yet it did not give back the money as Social Security to all who had contributed. Families of men, and then too those belonging to certain occupations, were entitled to the money in case of the death of the man. However, what is interesting is that widows who remarried or who did not have young children and had not reached the age of 65 yet were excluded. Moreover, the social security of a widow â€Å"was to be reduced or eliminated if her earnings exceeded fifteen dollars a month† (Kessler-Harris 2010, 439). In order to win over the racists who were still present in Congress, the reformers also kept in hidden clauses that ensured that colored workers will not be entitled to the Social Security money. Fields of employment which were predominantly black, like agricultural workers, were excluded from the entitlement list. The reformers excluded household workers from the list of the entitled class of workers, and with 90% of the household working force being female and 45% of it being black (Kessler-Harris 2010), they not only excluded women, but caused the black women a double jeopardy of sorts, as most of the men in their family were already excluded based on the racist reforms. Of course, this clearly suggests that they thought a woman was to be subservient to a man and it was the duty of the man to provide and for a woman to take care of the home. Therefore, a widow who remarried or who had old children had someone else to look after her and so was not considered entitled.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Discussion Board Post Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Discussion Board Post Response - Essay Example This trend can impact n the competitive advantage of the facility since patients weighing more than four hundred pounds will opt to seek the services of other healthcare facilities. Facilities with more capital assets according to Zismer, Sterns and Claus () have a competitive advantage over others. In my organization, there is need for an additional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine to prevent long queues in the department as patients wait for their turn. Your case is similar to that in my organization as purchasing these equipments will increase efficiency of services. Your discussion Melton is also correct. Your organization considers the views of employees and incorporates their contributions in the formulation of budgets in terms of prioritizing purchase of capital assets. Incorporating employees in decision making has been proved to improve productivity as employees feel valued. Your organization does the correct thing. Subsequently, your organizations use of information regarding delays in patient care, patient anxiety, and patient satisfaction to demonstrate and justify the need for a vein finder sheds more light on how to demonstrate the need for an equipment in healthcare settings. My organization calculated the expected return of capital (Baker and Baker, 2014) to demonstrate the need for an MRI machine and the time patients wait in queues to be access the equipment. Your technique is applicable to my organization as

Saturday, September 21, 2019

One of the administrators quoted an elderly near verbatim Essay Example for Free

One of the administrators quoted an elderly near verbatim Essay The present is momentary†¦the future will be short†¦ and the long past had been varied†¦good things†¦bad things†¦success†¦failures†¦love and lovelessness†¦ pain and satisfaction of sacrifice for the loved ones†¦And if we have lived that well enough why mourn for this momentary present and unsure short past? Just leave it God. It is a nice thing to think back †¦. and be happy†¦ Indicators of Affective Component of SWB as Perceived by the Administrators Table 3 presents the affective component of the subjective sense of well-being of the elderly as perceived by the administrators of the home for the aged. Table 3. Administrators’ Perception on the Cognitive Component of SWB among the Elderly Domain Categories f P Affective Component Feeling secure of future care / will be taken care of until death 6 100 Happy and relaxed about physical mobility and health 5 83 Apparently happy and peaceful 4 67 Feeling that the family ties are intact 4 67 Feeling that they are still masters of their lives 3 50 Note: N=6. General = category applied to all the cases (100%). Typical = category applied to more than 4 cases (more than 60%). Variant = category applied to fewer than half the cases but at least 2 cases (30%). According to the findings of this study in Table 3, the administrators (67%) perceived the institutionalized elderly to be apparently happy and peaceful. And their happiness consisted in their sense of having control of their life, whereas for 83% it was also in their feeling physically well. About 67% of the administrators found that the elderly were as they experienced a sense of belongingness to the family. And finally, all the administrators (100%) perceived that they felt secure about their future and having the assurance that they will be taken care of until death put them at ease. The succeeding sample responses of the administrators substantiate the findings of the study on this particular aspect of affective component. They appear to be peaceful and happy at least many of them†¦most of the time. All of them miss their family and they try to put up with it. All of them are reasonably healthy even in their 80 plus years†¦ They are happy that they are able to do their things on their own†¦ In old age specially we want people near†¦but these poor souls†¦actually they are not deserted. Those who have no children and single find it a little easier to cope with this life. But others†¦they understand their children and try to be happy. All are happy when they get a call or being visited†¦they go around telling to everybody possible†¦it is very important for them. Administratiors’ Perception on the Contributing Factors toward SWB Among the Institutionalized Aged. The study also explored the perception of administrators on the factors positively affecting the subjective sense of well-being among the institutionalized aged. Table 4 summarizes categories emerged under different domains. Table 4. Administrators’ Perception on the Contributing Factors toward the SWB among the Elderly Domain Categories f P Physical Health Happy with the accommodation and medical care facilities 6 100 Enjoys age related health / physical mobility 5 83 Enjoys palatable food 5 83 Engage in physical and recreational activities 3 50 Autonomy / Freedom Enjoys individual freedom 6 100 Being treated with respect gives a sense of self-worth and personal power 5 83 Need for privacy and non-intrusion 3 50 Money / Income Security about the future 6 100 Very money conscious 4 67 Sense of power, control, independence and personal pride 5 83 Meaningful Relationships Family. Being wanted and cared for 4 67 Feel connected through communication 4 67 Friendship Friendly and cordial 6 100 Having close friends among co-residents 3 50 More private and prefers to be left alone 3 50 Authority /Caregivers Good relationship 5 83 Feel respected and cared for 5 83 Appreciate the service received from caregivers 3 50 Social Interest / Altruism Reaching out to others through voluntary service 3 50 Hospital visiting and praying for the sick 4 67 Concern about Death Trust in God’s compassion and love 6 100 Feel the need for preparation 4 67. Comfortable with reality of death 3 50 Religion / Spirituality Engage in religious activities and / or personal devotion 6 100 Powerful means of coping 6 100 Sense of pride in being religious 4 67 Source of strength and peace 5 83 Happy about spiritual support received 6 100 Note: N=6. General = category applied to all the cases (100%). Typical = category applied to more than 4 cases (more than 60%). Variant = category applied to fewer than half the cases but at least 2 cases (30%). Administrators’ Perception on the Contributing Factors toward the SWB of the Elderly.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Proposal for Youth Teamwork Project

Proposal for Youth Teamwork Project Leicester co-operative project Introduction The intention within this report is to present a proposal for a business project that will assist in addressing the socio-economic needs of the multi-cultural and immigrant youth communities that exist within the city of Leicester, particularly in relation to the consequence of crime and disorder. The project will have a commercial aspect in that it is designed to generate revenue for the business. The Project The YTL (Youth Teamwork Leicester) project will be set up as a small business, as defined by various researches (Carter and Jones-Evans 2006, ch.2), with its legal structure being that of a commercial co-operative. The reason for this structure is to ensure that, after allowing for administration, reinvestment and financing costs, the intention is to share profits between those who work within the business. The main activities of the business will fall within two specific areas. The first of these will be restorative and repair work and the second will be the provision of care services. In respect of the first sector, this will include repairing damage to both private and public property, for example, making good graffiti and physical damage caused by anti-social behaviour. Similarly, it is intended that the care services sector will also have a private and public appeal by providing assistance with the provision of care to the elderly, disabled and other disadvantaged members of the local community. There is no true quality without mutuality, (Davis 1995 p.15). Apart from three key board members, all of the co-operative workers will consist of young people between the ages of 16 and 25, and of mixed indigenous and multi-ethnic origin. Each of these workers will serve a one-year term with the business, with the potential for a subsequent unpaid advisory, mentoring or training role. At the commencement of each subsequent year a new team of workers will be introduced. The three key members will be the chairpersons together with an expert entrepreneur with relevant expertise in the field of property repairs and services and a person of a similar ilk from the care industry sector. These persons will provide their services in return for a limited remuneration and will not share in co-operative profits. In terms of the customer base, and in view of the lack of initial expertise of the business workers it is anticipated the customers will be generated from local government and non-governmental organisations and commercial organisations within the industry sector being targeted. In addition to the external services, the business will also provide training facilities for the workforce. Initial funding requirements for the business will be provided from the securing of grants and government assisted loans such as the SBLGS[1], which will be repaid at commercial rates (Carter and Jones-Evans 2006, ch.a8).. Socio-Economic environment in Leicester According to a report prepared by the local Leicestershire Partnership against Crime and Disorder (Report 2006, p.10), the city of Leicester is one of the most ethnically diverse areas in the UK, and has the least percentage of indigenous population, being 60.43 percent against 87.49% for the national average. In addition it is one of the top ten areas for unemployment and lack of academic qualifications. Further more the report (2006, p.11 and p.12) reveals that of the 47,282 reported crimes for the year 2003 – 2004, antisocial crime, being arson, damage and hate, accounted for 20%. This means that, during that year nearly 9.500 offences were committed in this area of the statistics. Similarly, Local police records for Leicestershire show that, whilst the level of criminal damage was reduced when comparing June 2007 with the same month in the previous year (see figure 1), on an annual basis it is still increasing (see figure 2). These figures exclude the increasing rates of burglary, theft of cars and criminal racial incidents. In Leicester itself the rate of criminal damage has increased from 37.5 per 1,000 populations in 2000 2001 to 41.6 per 1,000 of population in 2004 2005, which represents an increase of nearly 11%. Within these statistics there are there are three main areas of crime that young people are predominantly involved in. These are anti-social behaviour, criminal damage, vehicle theft or damage and racial hatred. In the Leicester area during the 2003 – 2004 year there was a 7% increase in the incidences of anti-social behaviour compared with the previous year (Report 2006, p.47). From the research conducted it appears that the majority of have been these offences fell into five main categories, these being: Threatening actions and phone calls. Graffiti, vandalism and material damage Causing neighbourhood and community problems Disorder in a public place and Noise violations. The result of these issues does tend to inbreed fear and concern into members of the local community, particularly in respect of the elderly and other disadvantaged demographic sectors. One of the main concerns of communities is their safety and comfort and they expect the local constabulary to provide this for them, which the above figures and statistics show is not the case. Criminal damage covers a wide range of social crimes, both against personal and public property. The definition of criminal damage covers a wide area of offences. For example, it can include litter offences, graffiti, and actual damage to the properties. For example, in the case of private or public or property damage, destroying fences, gardens and windows. The same actions are applicable to both property and vehicles. Racial hatred and abuse can manifest itself in one of two ways. It can be of a verbal or physical nature. Whist both are unacceptable, the physical racial abuse within the Leicester area has led to extreme violence and, in a number of cases, fatalities.. Incidences of racial hatred in Leicester are significantly higher than the national average. This is primarily because of the cities high concentration of ethnic mix when compared with the national average, as has been indicated within this report. Consequently to this situation the indigenous population will feel threatened by the presence of ethnic and immigration minorities. There are several reasons for this. A lack of understanding and appreciation of the cultural difference that exists between the various communities. There is a body of opinion, which has to some extent been fostered by the media, which proposes that people from other nations and religions should, when residing in the UK, comply with the UK culture. However, this denies them the right to preserve their own ancestry and traditions. The perception that these minorities are depriving the indigenous population of work opportunities. Such a response would be exacerbated by the higher than national rate of unemployment in the area. In addition, whether by accident or government degree, ethnic minorities are perceived to receive beneficial and preferential treatment from a range of government and non-governmental departments. In particular, this perception would extend to housing, unemployment and other available benefits. Fear is another key cause of disputes between the various ethnic and indigenous communities. Aligned with the lack of understanding, this is an emotion that often results where two or more diverse cultures are located within a close-knit community. Fear breeds protectionism and often this manifests itself by way of attacking the root cause of that fear, which in this case would be the ethnic community that is perceived to represent a danger or threat Local authorities and the police have the legislative implements and powers to be able to address crimes that are committed within the above identified areas. For example there is the ability for the police, local authorities, housing associations to use their powers to issue Anti-social behaviour orders against the offender, which can include the instigation of an exclusion zone surrounding the area where the offence took place. Similarly the police and local courts can seek prosecution and even imprisonment for the consistent offender. However, these powers do not of itself, deal with the root cause of the problem, which is to understand and address that have produced this behaviour in the first place. Neither does the legal reaction to these issues necessarily resolve or change the future conduct of the offender, despite the fact that criminal prosecutions can be instigated should the orders be breached in the future. In addition to solutions there Is a need to address both understand and address the root causes of these social issues and their economic impact, as this is the only way to ensure that there is a sustainable reduction in the current levels. Causes. There are a number of causes that can be attributed to the rising incidences of the crimes outlined previously. Demographics Social positioning in terms of the demographic areas where youths are domiciled has a bearing on their actions. The conditions experienced within the poorer area of Leicester will impact upon their perception of other areas of the city. For example there may be a resentment generated by the unfairness of the social divide. Some alleviation of this perception can be achieved by undertaking regeneration programmes that will improve the living standards of these impoverished areas. Education Whilst there are a number of local and central government schemes available for youths within the city, many of these do not allow for either hands-on experience, nor do they provide the youth with any form of meaningful recompense for the time that is spent. Thus, in themselves, they do not address part of the core problem, particularly in relation to the previously identified cause. Employment Employment levels within Leicester are high compared with other areas of the country and, in addition, the gradual change from its historical manufacturing industry predominance to a more modern and technological work environment has resulted in gap between the learned skills of the local workforce and those that are required by business. There is a need to address this skill differential to ensure that local youths are better prepared for the work environment once they have finished their education. Culture The varieties of cultures that now exist within the area are naturally a cause of tension. This is brought about mainly by the seeming ability to effectively integrate these factions. More effort needs to be made in encouraging communication and understanding between the various ethnic groups if this matter is to be resolved. Economic impact. There is an economic cost to the crimes and disorders that have been outlined within this report. These cost are incurred by a number of governmental departments, local authorities and, either directly or indirectly, members of the public and commercial organisations. In terms of the police and authorities there is the economic cost of processing actions against the offending person and, in extreme cases, their internment. Similarly, there is the cost both of repairing the damage cause and of funding the variety of scheme that are being implemented in an effort to remedy the situation. From the public and commercial organisations viewpoint, these sectors suffer from increases in local and national taxes, and the cost of repairing damage that is not covered by local authorities. For example damage to personal property and cars will result in claims to insurance companies or, where such items are not sufficient covered, cost to a member of the public, which at the least will involve them having to pay any excess due on such claims. Whilst there is a need to vigorously address the root causes of these social problems, it is also apparent that it is necessary to address the economics of the situation as well. This can partially be achieved by involving commercial organisations within the resolution process, thus reducing the impact on the public purse. Operation How will the operations of YTL help to address these issues? In the author’s opinion it can help on a number of levels. Multi-Cultural awareness By integrating persons from a number of different cultural backgrounds, it is intended that the business will provide a vehicle through which young people will be able to meet and work together. Thus, partially as a result of the interaction and communication that takes place in the workplace, they will learn that cultural differences do not pose a threat to anyone. Similarly, the teamwork that will be required within the co-operative format should enable differences to be resolved and allow each worker to change their attitudes and perceptions in their private lives. This should lead to the various ethnic workers achieving a greater level of respect for each other. Community concern The public perception of the issues raised within this report show that there is an increasing fear of the impact that non-indigenous and immigrant minorities is having upon the levels of crime. Similarly, there is a belief that young people generally are responsible for a significant level of the crimes being committed. By the provision of youth labour through our project, it is intended that there will be an improved level of communication between the generations, which will both reduce the levels of few and help to address the issues that arise between the various age demographic sectors. In addition it will provide the youth worker with an insight into the consequence of their actions, helping them to understand the affect that these actions may have upon others within the community. Training and Employment With the levels of unemployment being a contributing factor to the behaviour of youth today, particularly in the Leicester area, one of the intentions of YT is to provide a short-term solution to that problem. However, in addition, by placing these workers within a workplace where they can achieve practical experience under the tutorship of experts within their chosen field, together with providing I-house training, it is anticipated that this will also assist in allowing them to gain entry into an appropriate career upon their departure. Similarly, as they are being paid for the work that they perform it should help them to appreciate that they have a value to the community, and that they can improve their socio-demographic positioning within the community. Another area where it is believed that the YTL business would be beneficial is in the fact that it is a commercial concern and structured as a co-operative. The former element will assist the workers in understanding of the financial consequences of their actions within a work environment and, similarly, ensure that they are aware that their position has to be maintained by merit. The latter factor, by involving them within the committee and decision process will give an understanding of responsibility. Skills To successfully manage this project, the author is aware that there is need to acquire news skills. In essence these relate to three main areas, these being leadership, management and communication skills. In view of the structure of the project envisaged, it will be important to be able to engage the people involved and empower them to work individually and as a team to achieve the objectives through their own innovative approach (Gill 2006, p.17 and p.227; Carter ad Dylan Jones 2006, ch.5). As Gill (2006, p.227) comments there is a need to â€Å"manage things.† Therefore it is important to have the necessary management skills to ensure the business resources, be those employees or material resources, are in the right place throughout the supply chain to ensure the efficiency of the business operations. Management is the creation and monitoring of a control system to achieve maximum productivity and satisfaction of customer demands. Finally, communication skills will be essential. Open communication (Gill 2006, p.140) is important to ensure that knowledge is shared throughout the organisation. Conclusion It is the author’s opinion that the creation of the project outlined within this report will assist in the reduction of the youth multi-racial issues that currently exist within Leicester. Empowering young people from all ethnic backgrounds to work together and better understand the cultural differences that exist between them will achieve this. Similarly it will raise their awareness of the importance of their impact on the local community culture, whilst rewarding them for their efforts. Bibliography Stokes D and Wilson, N (2006). Small Business Management Entrepreneurship. 5th edition, Thomson Learning. London, UK Carter, Sara and Jones-Evans, Dylan (2006). Enterprise and Small Business. Second edition, FT Prentice Hall. London, UK Gill, Roger (2006). Theory and Practice of Leadership. Sage Publications Ltd. London, UK. Davis, Peter (1995). Co-operative Management and Co-operative Purpose. Management Centre. University of Leicester, UK Report (2006). Community Safety Strategy April 2005 2008. Leicester Partnership against Crime and Disorder. Leicester, UK. 1 Footnotes [1] Small Business Loan Guarantee Scheme.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Universal Acceptance of Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay -- Hamlet

Universal Acceptance of Hamlet by William Shakespeare The tragedy and situation in the play ‘Hamlet’ has been commented on as ‘universal.’ Audiences of many different cultures can enjoy ‘Hamlet’ even though it is set in an alien culture to them. The reasons for this are that many people can relate to the play, they feel that they are living though a profound experience, even if nothing in the plot of Hamlet has ever happened to them. The experience of ‘Hamlet’ is not restricted to the plot and its characters. A large factor in this universal acceptance is that the main character, Hamlet, around whom the entire play revolves, is realist and ‘universal’ himself. In this Hamlet is merely a reflection of aspects found in all men, he is a symbol for how any man would act given the situation. If he reacts the way you would react, that makes him a very easy to relate to and sympathetic character. This does not mean that Hamlet reflects the common man and his action, or Rosencrantz and Guildenstern would be more probable ‘universal men.’ Hamlet reflects what the common man wishes and feels he could do if he were given the chance. Hamlet is 'superhuman' in this sense. He is able to find the strength to act though his tragic situation with out giving in to easier ways and temptations along the way. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are more common man than universal, for though they have loyalty to Hamlet as they have been his friends for many years, they still have their own ambition. (Gertrude) â€Å"Your visitation may receive such thanks As fits a king’s remembrance†¦ (Rosencrantz) by the sovereign power you have of us,†¦ (Guildenstern) Heaven make our presence and our practices Pleasant and helpful to him! [Hamlet]† (Act1, Scene2) They make a choice, and like Judas, they make the ‘wrong’ one. They do not stand strong and faithful to Hamlet, but act on King Claudius’s behalf, in hope of recognition. This is a ‘common’ man’ action, to take the favorable route on the behalf of personal interest. Hamlet’s main appeal is that he is trapped into a cycle, but he takes the noble and faithful action to affront the situation, leaving no doubt to the audience that he is in the right. Though Hamlet is in a sense 'superhuman,' he is still human and easy to relate to for he does have flaws. He is not the shining hero riding in on a white horse to save the day, he... ...ample Hamlet forgives Laertes, yet kills him. Therefore Hamlet can not give punishment without commit crime. As a result the cycle starts again, against Hamlet this time. The crime is committed, and the ‘Commits the crime and must suffer for it’ role acts again. Hamlet is forced into the cycle over which he can have no control. In being the punisher Hamlet must also be punished. In this Hamlet may symbolise an aspect that many people feel, that they are locked into cycle that they cannot escape. Hamlet is therefore a symbol of the ‘universal man.’ He does not reflect the common man’s actions and deeds, but what the common man could possible do if given the chance. He represents the inner strengths of humanity, the virtues that they are capable of achieving. Yet he still remains truly human, making mistakes and being unable to escape the greater cycles and powers that exist. Hamlet may not reflect every man that exists, he reflects a part within them that exists. Hamlet is not the common man, but this is not due to his sovereignty, education, manners or upbringing. It is due to his ability to access his inner strength and do the right thing, even when the odds are against him.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Watch and Livvie :: Literature Control Essays

The Watch and Livvie Solomon's silver watch contained multifaceted significance with regard to his character and it's effect on Livvie--it represented prestige and wealth, control and obsession, and a life of dark retreat. For Solomon the watch represented the prestige and wealth that were rarely attained by colored people. "For he was a colored man that owned his land and had it written down in the courthouse." (P. 85) Yet the watch also had another dimensionCit meant control over his life and his possessions, including Livvie. Livvie watched Solomon as he slept. She wondered what he might be dreaming about "He might be dreaming of what time it was, for even through his sleep he kept track of it like a clock, and knew how much of it went by, and waked up knowing where the hands were even before he consulted the silver watch that he never let go." (P. 89) Solomon exhibited control in all areas of his life--he planted his bottle trees to keep evil spirits away from his home, he had a clean dirt yard, and he evenly planted his roses on either side of the house. (P. 86) Knowing he owned these possessions, I believe, gave Solomon the feeling he controlled his life. The white man or anyone else did not control him. Livvie viewed this control as strict, but it was obsession. Unfortunately, all this control had a very negative impact on Livvie. She lived in a sheltered world--a world she did not see. She saw what she could get out to see--almost what she could steal--even in her mind. "But what if she would walk now into the heart of the fields and take a hoe and work until she fell stretched out and drenched with her efforts, like other girls, and laid her cheek against the laid-open earth and shamed the old man with her humbleness and delight?

The Stranger Cultural Analysis Essay -- Literary Analysis

This Novel, by Albert Camus, traces a year in the life of a young clerk, Meursault, in the 1940s who works for a shipping company in Algiers. The first thing that happens to Meursault is that he gets a telegram that his mother has departed. He takes a bus to see her and they hold the vigil. He shows no expression of remorse or sadness. Once back in Algiers Meursault goes to the public beach for a swim. There, he runs into Marie Cardona, his former co-worker. They decide to go on a date and they see a comedy movie, which is ironic after his mother’s death, and they sleep together during the night. The next day he spends just watching people in the street. That next day Meursault returns to work and works all day and while at his apartment Meursault runs into Salamano, an old man who lives in his building and owns a mangy dog. He also runs into his neighbor Raymond, who is suspected to be a pimp. Raymond invites Meursault to dinner and asks Meursault to write a nasty letter to t his girl who cheated on Raymond, and Meursault complies. The next Saturday Marie comes over and asks if Meursault loves her, he doesn’t love her and doesn’t show it, and at night Meursault runs into Salamano who is crying over his dog who ran away. The following Sunday Meursault, Marie, and Raymond go to a beach house owned by Masson, one of Raymonds friends. They run into the girl’s, of whom they wrote the letter to, brothers and a knife is pulled on Raymond and cuts him. They both go different ways and later Meursault shoots one of the girl’s brothers. Meursault is then sent to jail and put on trial. He shows no remorse and over time he goes through more trials after being in prison for over a year and he is sentenced to death by the guillotine. The setting... ... has done, and to free him from his entanglement. Works Cited Bufacchi, Vittorio, and Laura Fairrie. "Execution as Torture." Peace Review 13.4 (2001): 511-517. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 26 Apr. 2011. Camus, Albert, and Matthew Ward. The Stranger. New York: Knopf, 1993. Print. 24 Apr. 2011. de Cavarlay, Bruno Aubusson. "Can criminal statistics still be of scientific use? The French criminal justice system 1813-1980." Historical Methods 26.2 (1993): 69. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 26 Apr. 2011. Scherr, Arthur. "Camus's THE STRANGER." Explicator 59.3 (2001): 149. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. Scott, Nathan A. Albert Camus. New York: Hillary House, 1962. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. Strange, Alice J. "Camus' The Stranger." Explicator 56.1 (1997): 36. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 24 Apr. 2011.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Shell Case Study

The Case Study on â€Å"Organizational change at Royal Dutch/Shell† This case study on â€Å"Organizational Change at Royal Dutch/Shell† deals with the organizational change that the world’s largest non-state-owned oil company made to respond its operating environmental changes in 1990s (Hill, C 2005, pp. 476-477) While there are a few different structures of global organizations such as worldwide area structure, worldwide product divisional structure and global matrix structure, the Anglo-Dutch company Royal Dutch/Shell (hereinafter Shell) decided to be structured with a matrix structure from the 1950s until 1994.Under the matrix structure, the head of each operating company reported to two bosses; one boss was responsible for the geographical region or country and the other was responsible for the business activity worldwide (Shell’s business activities included oil exploration and production, oil products, chemicals, gas and coal). There were two major benefits that Shell enjoyed from this matrix structure for about 40 years. First, their decision making process was based on the consensus building between the two bosses. Because of its side effects such as slow and cumbersome process, it might be not proper for some organizations.However as the nature of Shell’s business environment is that most big decisions are long-term ones that involve huge capital expenditures and as a result they could review thoroughly all the big decisions, this decision making process was beneficial to the company. Second, this slow decision making process caused substantial decentralization by default to the heads of the individual operating companies. Thanks to this decentralization, Shell could respond to local differences in government regulations, competitive conditions and consumer tastes.Even though there were drawbacks such as slow and cumbersome process, the matrix structure fit the environment of the global oil and chemical industries in the 1980s. In the 1980s, Shell sought to grow through acquisition. It bought out the remaining 30% shareholding in Shell Oil in 1985 to consolidate its American operations. While the oil price plummeted in the winter of 1986 when the price fell from $31 per barrel to $10, Shell managed its budget by half: the company had to work much harder to develop new projects more cheaply. As a esult, Shell could make huge improvements in drilling techniques such as slim-hole drilling and directional drilling. The use of 3D seismic became widespread. (from Shell’s official homepage; 1980s to the new millennium). All of these activities worked well under the matrix structure of Shell until the end of 1980s. There was a huge environmental change in 1990. It’s the Gulf War. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, partly prompted by the low price of oil, led to uncertainty about production and prices spiked. Iraq wanted to gain control of the world's third largest oil producer to give it more control over the world market.Following the Gulf war to liberate Kuwait, crude oil prices entered a period of steady decline, reaching their lowest level in 1994 for 21 years (BBC, Why the oil price keeps rising, June 2008). As the oil prices declined, naturally there was pressure on Shell’s profit margins. Although it had traditionally been among the most profitable oil companies in the world, its relative performance began to slip in the early 1990s as its competitors adapted rapidly to the environment changes. As a result, this suggested that the Shell senior management team review its strategy and the fit between strategy and organizational structure.In 1995, Shell abandoned its 40 year old matrix structure and adopted divisional line structure based on its new strategy to lower the operating costs just as its competitors did. Under the new divisional line structure, Shell now operates with five global product divisions- exploration and production, oil products, chemical, gas and coal. The difference between the organization after 1995 and that before 1994 is that the power of the each global division will increase and the responsibilities of the country (or regional) chefs are reduced.The Shell’s change led to enhanced fit between operating environment, strategy and organizational architecture. As mentioned earlier, Shell's operating environment changed in the early of 1990s with continuing slack demand for oil and weak oil price which caused pressure on profit margins. In order to overcome the challenges, Shell changed its strategy to lowering operating costs by a sharp reduction in head office overhead and the elimination of unnecessary duplication of facilities across countries.This new strategy could be achieved via the change of its reorganization in 1995 from matrix organization to divisional lines structure. As a result of the change, Shell could reduce the need for a large head office bureaucracy and eliminated unnecessary duplicatio n of facilities across countries. Eventually, production may be consolidated in lager facilities that serve an entire region, rather than a single country, with which it could enjoy the greater scale economies. In summary, Shell’s organizational structure change in 1995 could contribute its business strategy changes which were driven by the operating environment changes.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Advanced accounting Ch 1 solution Essay

1A business combination is a union of business entities in which two or more previously separate and independent companies are brought under the control of a single management team. Three situations establish the control necessary for a business combination, namely, when one or more corporations become subsidiaries, when one company transfers its net assets to another, and when each combining company transfers its net assets to a newly formed corporation. 2The dissolution of all but one of the separate legal entities is not necessary for a business combination. An example of one form of business combination in which the separate legal entities are not dissolved is when one corporation becomes a subsidiary of another. In the case of a parent-subsidiary relationship, each combining company continues to exist as a separate legal entity even though both companies are under the control of a single management team. 3A business combination occurs when two or more previously separate and independent companies are brought under the control of a single management team. Merger and consolidation in a generic sense are frequently used as synonyms for the term business combination. In a technical sense, however, a merger is a type of business combination in which all but one of the combining entities are dissolved and a consolidation is a type of business combination in which a new corporation is formed to take over the assets of two or more previously separate companies and all of the combining companies are dissolved. 4Goodwill arises in a business combination accounted for under the acquisition method when the cost of the investment (fair value of the consideration transferred) exceeds the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired. Under GAAP, goodwill is not amortized for financial reporting purposes and will have no effect on net income, unless the goodwill is deemed to be impaired. If goodwill is impaired, a loss will be recognized. 5A bargain purchase occurs when the acquisition price is less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired. The acquirer records the gain from a bargain purchase as an ordinary gain during the period of the acquisition. The gain equals the difference between the investment cost and the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Stanford (Zimbardo) Experiment

THE STANFORD EXPERIMENT What happens when you put good people in an evil place? How the environment affect behaviours , attitudes or beliefs of people? Philip Zimbardo was interested in this questions. Zimvardo choose a prison enviroment as the evil place. Zimbardo prepare the basement of Stanford University Psychlogy Department like a prison to avoid security problems. All of the conditions in basement change for experiment such as guards uniform , prisoners overalls, grates , dark cell etc. Zimbardo gave sun-glasses to guards to avoid personel relation between guards and prisoners with the barricade eye contact.After the preperation had been completed , Zimbardo choose 21 people with no physically and mental healt issue. These people came after see the newspaper announce. Subjects seperated two groups as prisoners and guard randomly. Prisoners arrested like a real guilty and their eyes bandaged so they couldn’t recognize where they are. Firstly Zimbardo tell to guards condit ions and rules. The rules are; * Guardians responsible for keep the pattern safe in prison. * If a prisoner escape , The experiment would have been terminated * As the last and most important one is no violance to prisoners.First day the subjects of the experiment couldn’t adapt their roles but day by day guards have adapted their roles more than Zimbardo expected also prisoners. A few day later guards started to behave sadistic and tendency to physically violence. On the other hand prisoners had emotional problems. There are two key people on each side Guard John Wayne and Prisoner 8612. John Wayne had so sadictic behaviours and their leader character effect other guards. Actually, John Wayne play the Hand Luke role in this experiment.John Wayne watched a movie called â€Å"Cool Hand Luke† in this movie there are a guardian named Hand Luke , John Wayne choose Hand Luke as a role model in this experiment. Prisoner 8612 The rebellion leader was Prisoner 8621. He was lea d them to rebel against the rules and they make barriers with their beds to block guards. Guards punish Prisoner 8612 with staying the dark room. After the hard conditions , Prisoner 8612 decided quiting the experiment and then he gone to Zimbardo. Zimbardo tell him that If you stay in the experiment, I save you from bad behaviors of guards for telleing whatever prisoners do in cells. 612 confused and when he turn back to the cells tell other prisoners that â€Å"We can not get out of here†. And this effect the experiment essentially. Prisoner 8612 try to escape with patient role , by the time he adapted the patient role and he had mental problems. After that Zimbardo replace him with another subject Prisoner 416. When Prisoner 416 join there , he want to get out as soon as possible. Because Prisoner 416 had not adapted the role but everybody in prison adapted, and things that happenin in prison seems insane. Guards tell him that â€Å"Here is a real prison. and persuade Pri soner 416 to stay in. Prisoner 416 could not endure guards bad behaviour and he start hunger strike. John Wayne persuade other guards about the punisment of Prisoner 416 as a leader. Guards put in black room and punish other prisoners , and they say â€Å"You would punish because of Prisoner 416†. Other prisoners exclude Prisoner 416. Another psychologist Cristina Maslach came to observe the experiment and Maslach questioned its morality , and Zimbardo decided to terminate the experiment before 9days earlier CONCLUSIONSThe Stanford experiment ended on six days after it began. Zimbardo called both the guards and prisoners to a meeting and announced that the experiment is over. The experiment's results are   impressionability and obedience of people when provided with a legitimizing ideology  and social and institutional support. Result are similar with Milgram experiment. CRITICISM OF EXPERIMENT The guards, prisoners also Zimbardo adapted to their roles more completely tha n expected. One-third of the guards were judged to have exhibited sadistic tendencies. One-five of the Prisoners had emotional problems.Unexpectedly, Zimbardo act a prison manager. This study was cleared by the Ethics Code of the American Psychological Association, showing that experiments on paper can look very different than the way that they play out in reality. The experiment was criticized as unethical and unscientific. The participants were only engaging in  role-playing. In response, Zimbardo claimed that even if there was role-playing initially, participants  internalized  these roles as the experiment continued. More directly, though, it has been pointed out that, in contrast to Zimbardo's laim that participants were given no instructions about how to behave, his briefing of the guards gave them a clear sense that they should oppress the prisoners. In this sense the study was an exploration of the effects of tyrannical leadership. In line with this, certain guards, su ch as one known as â€Å"John Wayne†, changed their behavior because of wanting to conform to the behavior that Zimbardo was trying to elicit. VARIABLES Actually nobody can say the experiment fail because of early termination. The experiment over before 9 days earlier than planned but the results are so important as scientific.We have to use Occam’s razor to get rid of less effective independent variables, Some independent variables for Guards result * Prison environment (as an evil place) >> Contaminating variables * Power (as a Guard) Guard models (like Hand Luke) Moderator * Perfectly prepared prison environment Intervening variable * Losing responsibility Dependent variable * Acting Role perfectly Independent variables for Prisoners * Prison environment (as a pressure area) * Obedience instinct Moderator Prisoner 8621 say to other prisoners that â€Å"Noone can leave† Intervening variable * Individualization Dependent variable * Acting Roles and feel like a real prisoner ASSESMENT OF THE EXPERIMENT The Stanford Experiment is a psychological experiment. Inputs are people so lots of contaminate variables effect the results. Elimination of contaminate variables processes is so important also a hard thing for the experiment. Zimbardo try to get reliable resolutions like randomization for guard and prisoner groups. But this experiment is an unrepeatable experiment so confidence interval of results had been accept true.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Anchoring Script

CENTRAL OFFICE, ‘YOGAKSHEMA, JEEVAN BIMA MARG, MUMBAI 400 021 RECRUITMENT FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Life Insurance Corporation of India invites Online Applications from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment to the post of Assistant Administrative Officer. Candidates are requested to apply On-Line only. No other means/mode of application will be accepted.The schedule of events shall be as under: SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Start date for Online Registration Start date for Offline Payment of Application Fee/Intimation Charges at State Bank of India Branches Start date for Online Payment of Application Fee / Intimation Charges Last date for Online Registration & Online Payment of Application Fee/Intimation Charges Last Date for Offline Payment of Application Fee /Intimation Charges Download of Call Letter for Examination Date of Online Examination (Tentative) 5th March, 2013 7th March, 2013 5th March, 2013 1st April, 2013 4th April, 2013 First Week of May,2013 11th and/or 12th May, 2013 . (i) (ii) (iii) (iii) (iv) TOTAL NO. OF VACANCIES: 750 Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Physically Handicapped shall be as under: ST OBC General(UR) Total OH VI CATEGORY SC 114 56 201 379 750 12 11 Vacancies The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to the actual requirements of the Corporation. Reservation /Definitions for Persons with Disabilities: Only the Orthopaedically Handicapped and Visually Impaired candidates are eligible to apply.Orthopaedically Handicapped (OH): Locomotor Disability means disability of bones, joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of cerebral palsy. Cerebral Palsy means a group of non-progressive conditions of person characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occurring in the pre-natal, peri-natal or infant period of devel opment.All the cases of Orthopaedically Challenged Persons would be covered under the category of ‘Locomotor disability or cerebral palsy’. A person having a minimum of 40% physical impairment with disability of one hand or one leg provided independent mobility is not affected is eligible to apply. Visually Impaired (VI): Candidates with visual Impairment falling under Category-I (40-74%) only are eligible to apply. Reservation for Persons with Disabilities shall be on horizontal basis.Selected candidates will be placed in the appropriate category. Page 1 of 9 v) Use of Scribe : The visually impaired candidates with visual impairment falling under Category I and candidates whose writing speed is affected by Cerebral Palsy can use their own scribe at their own cost during the On-line examination. In all such cases where a scribe is used, the following rules will apply: a. The candidate will have to arrange for his/her own scribe at his/her own cost. b. The scribe can be from any discipline.The academic qualification of the scribe should be one grade lower than the stipulated criteria. c. Candidates using a Scribe are required to fill up a Declaration Form (as per Annexure-I) and submit the same along with the Call Letter at the time of examination. Further, in case it later transpires that he/she did not fulfill any of the laid-down eligibility criteria or suppressed material facts, the candidature of the applicant will stand cancelled, irrespective of the result of the written test. d.Such candidate who uses a scribe shall be eligible for extra time of 20 minutes for every hour of the examination. Visually Impaired candidates under Low Vision may skip the non-verbal questions, and questions based on Graph and Table, if any. The candidates will be awarded marks for such Sections based on the overall average obtained in other Sections of the respective test. 3. Eligibility Conditions as on 1st March, 2013 shall be as under : Minimum Age shall be 21 years (completed) as on 1st March, 2013.Maximum age shall not be more than 30 years( born between 02/03/1983 and 01/03/1992 only are eligible ) Relaxations in upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC/ECO/SSRCO/Persons with Disabilities/Confirmed LIC employees shall be as under : SC/ST 5 YEARS OBC Age OH/VI(Gen) OH/VI(SC/ST) OH/VI(OBC) ECO/SSRCO (GEN) ECO/SSRCO (SC/ST) ECO/SSRCO (OBC) Confirmed LIC employees Educational Qualification 3 Years 10 YEARS 15 YEARS 13 YEARS 5 YEARS 10 YEARS 8 YEARS Further Relaxation of 5 YEARS Bachelor/Master’s Degree from a recognized Indian University/ Institution with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate in either of the Degrees.If any University awards grades instead of marks, applicants should clearly mention the numerical equivalent of the grades in terms of aggregate marks. The percentage of marks shall be arrived at by dividing the marks obtained by the candidate in all the subjects by the aggregate marks irrespective of honors/optional Page 2 of 9 subject, if any. This will be applicable for those Universities also where Grades are decided on the basis of marks obtained in the Honors Subjects only. 4.Emoluments and Benefits: Basic pay of `17240 /- per month in the scale of `17240- 840(14) –29000– 910(4) –32640 (Under Revision) and other admissible allowances as per rules. Total emoluments at the minimum of the scale inclusive of House Rent Allowance & City Compensatory Allowance wherever admissible depending upon the classification of the city will be approximately Rs`33,418/- per month in ‘A’ Class city. Other benefits are Defined Contributory Pension, Gratuity, LTC, Medical Benefit, Group Savings Linked Insurance (GSLI), Group Personal Accident Insurance, Group Insurance , Vehicle Loan (2-wheeler/4 wheeler) as per rules.Service Conditions: As applicable in the Corporation from time to time. The advertised posts are regular and selected candidates, on appointment, are liable to be posted or subsequently transferred anywhere in India. Probation : One year, extendable up to 2 years. Guarantee Bond: Before joining as a Probationer, candidates will be required to give an undertaking to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of four years from the date of joining (including probationary period) failing which, he/she or his /her heirs, executors, administrators will be liable to pay liquidated damages of `100000/- (Rupees one lakh only) to the Corporation.The candidate will have to submit Deed of Indemnity for `100000/- (Rupees one lakh only) at his cost, duly stamped, the stamp value of which will be as applicable to the State in which the deed is executed by the candidate. Application Fees /Intimation Charges(Non-refundable): Candidates have the option of making the payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges through the On-Line Mode or the Off-Line Mode as under: 5. 6. 7. 8. General/OBC Application Fee-cum-Intimation Charges of ` 500/- plus Bank Charges /Gateway C harges in case of Offline/Online Payment respectively.For SC/ST/PH Candidates Intimation Charges of `50/- inclusive of Bank Charges in case of offline payment only. For instructions on method of payment please refer â€Å"How to Apply†. 9. Selection Procedure : Selection will be made on the basis of performance in the on-line test followed by a personal interview of short listed candidates and subsequent Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination. A Competitive Online examination will be held at centers all over India as shown in Annexure II.Applicants will have to appear for the online examination on any one day on 11th / 12th May, 2013 (tentatively) at the Centre (or a nearby city) chosen by them/ allotted to them at their own expense. The Corporation, however, reserves the right to change the examination date/Centre. Candidates will be informed accordingly in case of any change in the date /centre/venue of examination by e-mail and SMS. On-line Test: On-line test will be of objec tive type, multiple choices of 120 minutes (2 hrs) duration comprising of the following: For Candidates Page 3 of 9 Section Questions 2 3 4 5 Number of Questions Reasoning Ability 30 Numerical Ability 30 General Knowledge, Current 30 Affairs Computer Knowledge 30 English Language with 40 Special emphasis on Grammar, Vocabulary and Comprehension Total 160 Marks Time (Hrs) 90 90 60 60 100 120 Minutes ( 2hrs ) 400 Penalty for Wrong Answers There will be a penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth (1/4 ) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score.If a question is left blank, i. e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. Candidate MUST pass in each Section separately and should also obtain minimum marks in the aggregate to qualify for the interview. The minimum marks to be obtained in each Sect ion and in the aggregate shall be decided by LIC of India. The marks obtained by the candidate in each Section and in the aggregate shall be arrived at after deduction of the marks for wrong answers. Decision of the Corporation in this regard shall be final and binding on the candidates.No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Appearing in the online examination or mere pass in the online examination shall not vest any right in a candidate to be called for Personal Interview. Pre-exam training for SC/ST candidates: SC/ST candidates who wish to avail the benefit of pre examination training may register their name and other details with the Divisional Office of LIC of India convenient to them. The Divisional Office will inform the registered candidates, the date and venue of the training.Such candidates would have to attend the training at their own cost on the appointed dates and at the venue advised to them. Candidates are required to refer to the website under the tab â€Å"Careers† for details of the Divisional Offices of the Corporation. Interview I. The Corporation reserves the right to fix the minimum eligibility standards in order to restrict the candidates to be called for interview, commensurate with number of vacancies and also the minimum qualifying marks to qualify in the interview.Candidates who do not obtain the minimum qualifying marks as decided shall be excluded from further selection process The decision of the Corporation in this regard shall be final and binding on the candidates and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. II. The number of candidates to be called for interview will be about three times the number of vacancies to be filled in subject to availability of successful candidates in the online test and will be purely as per their ranking in their respective category. Candidates will have to obtain the minimum marks in the interview as will be decided by the Corporation.Page 4 of 9 III. Outstation candidates called for interview shall be entitled for re-imbursement of Second Class Ordinary to and fro Railway/Bus Fare by the shortest route from the place of residence to the place of interview to be restricted to the fare by Railway Second Class Sleeper including the Reservation charges. IV. In case of similar marks of two or more candidates, the merit order of such group of candidates shall be as per the aggregate marks in online test and interview and further as per their additional post graduation qualification (i. . the person with higher educational qualification will be placed higher in the merit order) and in case of further similarity in educational qualification merit order will be decided on the basis of age, (i. e. senior in age will be placed higher in merit order). Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination: Shortlisted candidates will have to undergo a Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination and if found medically fit, will be offered appointment. 10.Action against Misconduc t: I) II) Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or should not suppress any material information. The responses of candidates would be analyzed and compared with other candidates who appeared for the examination to detect abnormal patterns of similarity of responses. If, in the method adopted for this, it is established or suspected that the responses have been shared and scores obtained are not genuine/ valid, the Corporation reserves the right to cancel the candidature of such candidates.At any stage of recruitment, if a candidate is or has been found guilty of (a) Using unfair means during the examination or (b) Impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or III) 11. (c) Misbehaving in the examination hall (d) Resorting to any irregular means in connection with his/her candidature during selection process (e) Obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means he/she in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution may also be liable to be: i) Disqualified from the examination. i) Debarred either permanently or for a specified period from any examination/ recruitment to be conducted by the Corporation. How to Apply Pre-Requisites for Applying Online Before applying online, candidates should— Have a valid personal email ID, which should be kept active till the declaration of results. Intimation about call letters will be sent through the registered e-mail ID. Under no circumstances, a candidate should share/mention e-mail ID to / of any other person. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying on-line and must maintain that email account.Keep the necessary details/documents ready in case of Online Payment of the requisite application fee/ intimation charges Page 5 of 9 a. b. c. d. e. f. The candidate should have a scanned (digital) image of his/her phot ograph and signature as per the specification given in Annexure III in JPEG format not exceeding 50 KB and 20 KB respectively and upload the photograph and signature. The online application will not be registered unless the candidate’s photo and signature is uploaded after completion of the entry in online mode. Candidates are necessarily required to apply On-line through LIC’s website under â€Å"Careers†- http://www. icindia. in/careers. htm. No other means/mode of applications will be accepted. Applicants satisfying the conditions of eligibility as on 01. 03. 2013 are first required to go to the LIC’s website www. licindia. in/careers. htm and download the Recruitment Notification and take a print out of the same for reference. Once the candidate clicks the relevant on-line application link titled â€Å"ON-LINE APPLICATION FOR LIC AAO’s RECRUITMENT†, it redirects the candidates to the on-line registration page. The candidate is required t o keep the details about bio-data ready to enable him/her to fill up the application form correctly.The name of the candidate or his/her father/husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates/mark sheets. Payment of Application Fee/Intimation Charges has to be done after successful registration of the application else application will be treated as cancelled. Choice of Examination City: Candidates should indicate the Name of the Examination City in the appropriate column of the online Application form. No change of Examination City will be permissible at a later date. The Corporation, for administrative reasons, however, reserves he right to direct the candidate to appear for online examination at any City other than the one chosen by the candidate. In the event of not being able to fill the data in one go, the candidate can save the data already entered. When the data is saved, registration number and password will be generated by the sys tem and displayed on the screen. Candidate should note down the registration number and password. Email and SMS indicating the Registration Number and Password will be sent. Candidates can reopen the saved data using Registration Number and Password and edit the particulars, if needed.This facility will be available for three times in all. Once the application is filled completely, the candidate should submit the data. In case of Offline payment, candidates should take a printout of the system generated fee payment challan immediately. No change/alteration will be allowed thereafter. The registration at this stage is provisional. Payment of Application Fee/Intimation Charges In case of Offline Payment of Application Fee/Intimation Charges, the payment will be accepted from 2nd working day after the on-line registration and can be made within three working days thereafter at any branch of State Bank of India by cash only.System generated payment challan will be used for depositing th e amount. Once the amount is paid, the registration process will be complete. Candidates should ensure State Bank of India Branch Code, Journal Number along with Branch Seal on the Candidate’s copy of the Challan. Candidates are advised to preserve the payment challan with them for reference and use in future. In case of Online Payment, i) Candidates should carefully fill in the details in the Online Application at the appropriate places very carefully and click on the â€Å"SUBMIT† button at the end of the Online Application Format.Before pressing the â€Å"SUBMIT† button, candidates are advised to verify every field filled in the application especially with regard to spellings. ii) The application form is integrated with the payment gateway and the payment process can be completed by following the instructions therein. iii) Payment can be made by using only Master/Visa Debit or Credit Cards Page 6 of 9 or Internet Banking by providing information as asked on t he screen. iv) In ase candidates wish to pay fees/intimation charges through the online payment gateway after the upload of photograph and signature an additional page of the application form is displayed wherein candidates may follow the instructions and fill in the requisite details. v) If the online transaction has been successfully completed, a Registration Number and Password will be generated which shall be preserved by the candidate for future reference. vi) If the online transaction has not been successfully completed, then the following message is displayed â€Å"Your online transaction was unsuccessful.Please register again†. Candidates may then revisit the â€Å"Apply Online† link and fill in their application details again. In case of unsuccessful registration the amount of fees debited will be refunded to the account in due course. vii) On successful completion of the transaction, an e-receipt will be generated. Candidates are required to take a printout o f the e-receipt. viii) After submitting your payment information in the online application form, please wait for the intimation from the server. DO NOT press BACK or REFRESH button in order to avoid double charge. x) To ensure security of your data, please close the browser window once your transaction is completed. h. Candidate will receive confirmation of registration by SMS/Email after two working days from the date of payment of fees. There is also a provision to reprint the submitted application containing fee details, after three days from the date of payment of application fees/intimation charges. i. Candidates can log on for Registration of Applications on the dates mentioned under† Schedule of Events† on the Para 1 of this notification. j. Candidates shall be solely responsible for filling up the online applications correctly.In case of invalid applications due to errors committed by the applicant no claims for refund of application money so collected shall be e ntertained by the Corporation. k. To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised to register on-line and pay the Application Fees /Intimation Charges (wherever applicable) in time. l. Issue of Call Letters for on-line test: Candidates will have to visit the website under the heading â€Å"Careers† http://www. licindia. in/careers. htm for downloading call letters for on-line test from the first week of May, 2013 onwards from the given link hosted on LIC’s website.Intimation for downloading call letter will also be sent through e-mail/SMS. Once the candidate clicks the relevant link, he/she can access the application form. The candidate is required to use (i) Registration Number, (ii) Password (iii) Date of Birth for downloading the call letter. m. Identity Verification for Written Examination. The candidate is required to affix his/her recent recognizable photograph on the call letter and appear at the exam centre with the Call Letter and Photo Identity Proof in ori ginal and copy thereof.In the examination hall, the call letter along with the photocopy of the candidate’s photo identity which can be PAN Card/Passport/Driving Licence/Voter’s ID Card/Bank Pass Book with photograph/Photo ID proof issued by a Gazetted Officer/People’s Representative along with Photograph/Identity Card issued by a recognized college/university /Aadhar Card with photograph/Employee ID card of Central/State/PSUs should be submitted to the Invigilator for verification. The candidate’s identity with respect to details on the call letter and in the Attendance List will be verified.If identify of the candidate is in doubt, the candidate may not be allowed to appear for the Examination. Page 7 of 9 12. (i) Important Instructions: Before applying, candidates are advised to satisfy themselves that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions especially age, qualification, caste (for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class candidates on ly). If found ineligible on any count, their candidature will be cancelled at any stage of recruitment. The fees/Charges paid by ineligible candidates shall be forfeited.Decision of the Corporation in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, selection and any other matters relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by the Corporation in this regard. (ii) Keep particulars of date of birth, educational qualifications, caste, other personal details etc. ready as these are required to be entered in the on-line application. (iii) After applying on-line, the candidates should btain a system generated print out of the application on A4 size paper and retain it after signing the same. Please do not send this print out to Life Insurance Corporation of India. (iv) Candidates who are called for interview will have to submit the duly signed System Generated Print Out of the On-line application, copy of the call letter duly signed by the invigilator during the examination, Receipt of fee as mentioned above and also produce original and attested Photostat copies of all relevant certificates at the time of interview, failing which their candidature shall be liable to be cancelled. v) Withdrawal of candidature on account of non furnishing of any information will not confer any right to carry forward or retain the candidature for future recruitment Application once submitted will not be allowed to be withdrawn and the fee once paid will not be refunded nor would this fee be held in reserve for future exam/ selection.Caste Certificate in respect of SC/ST/OBC must be obtained in the prescribed format from any one of the following authorities and submitted at the time of interview District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/ Deputy Collector/ 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub- Divisional Magistrate / Taluka Ma gistrate/ Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner not below the rank of 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate).Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief Presidency magistrate /Presidency Magistrate. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidates and / or his family resides. As far as the candidates belonging to ST caste from Tamil Nadu are concerned, the certificate issued by Revenue Divisional Officer only is acceptable and not by the Tehsildar. (vi) (vii) A B C D E For claiming reservation under OBC category, candidates should belong to such aste or community which are common to both the lists in respect of Mandal Commission and the State Governments List from the State of their origin (as per the list published by the Central Government). The benefit of reservation shall not apply to persons/ sections belonging to â€Å"Creamy layer† as specified vide column 3 of the Schedule to the Dept. of Personnel & Tr aining OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) Page 8 of 9 dated 8. 9. 93. OBC candidates should produce certificate as per the proforma prescribed by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Govt. f India which should include that they do not belong to Creamy layer. (Non submission of certificate in the prescribed proforma may render the application to be invalid. ) Formats of Caste Certificates for Scheduled Castes/Tribes/Other Backward Classes and Disability certificates for Physically Handicapped Candidates shall be available on our website. (ix) Candidates serving in Government / Public Sector Undertakings should produce â€Å"No Objection Certificate† from the employer at the time of interview, failing which, their candidature may not be considered. x) Candidates shall not be permitted to use calculators, mobile phones, pagers or any other instruments in the examination hall. (xi) Admission to on-line test is only provisional without verification of age/ qualif ication/category of candidate with reference to documents. Candidates should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated and/or suppress any material information while filling up the online application form (xii) Any request for change of address will not be entertained whilst the recruitment exercise is in progress. xiii) Call letters will not be dispatched by post or any other mode. Candidates will be required to download the call letters from the referred website. (xiv) Candidates will appear for the online examination at the allotted centers at their expenses & risks and the LIC will not be responsible for any injury/ losses etc. of any nature caused to them. (xv) Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/ her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the LIC.Such appointments will also be subject to the LIC of India (Staff) Regulations, 1960. (xvi) Interview Call Letters for shortlisted candidates shall be sent by e-mail address give n by the candidate at the time of on line application. Requests for sending letters to different address subsequently shall not be entertained. (xvii) Candidates are requested to kindly refer to the website periodically and check their e-mail account for updated information pertaining to the Recruitment till the conclusion of the recruitment process. xviii) In case of any dispute on account of interpretation of this advertisement in version other than English, the English version shall prevail. (xix) CANVASSING IN ANY FORM WILL LEAD TO DISQUALIFICATION OF CANDIDATURE. (viii) Place: Mumbai. Date 01/03/2013 Executive Director (Personnel) ANNEXURE – I – DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE AND SCRIBE ANNEXURE – II – LIST OF EXAMINATION CENTRES ANNEXURE – III GUIDELINES FOR SCANNING THE PHOTOGRAPH AND SIGNATURE Page 9 of 9 Anchoring Script MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 Solved Paper Solved by Develop India Group MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 1. India was part of an ancient super continent called Gondwanaland. It included present day— (A) South America (B) Africa (C) Australia (D) All of these Ans : (D) 2. Which plateau lies between the Aravalli and the Vindhya ranges ? (A) Malwa plateau (B) Chhota Nagpur plateau (C) Deccan plateau (D) Peninsular plateau Ans : (A) 3. Which state of India has borders with three countries namely Nepal, Bhutan and China ? (A) Arunachal Pradesh (B) Meghalaya (C) West Bengal (D) Sikkim Ans : (D) 4.The leading state in wheat production in India is— (A) Punjab (B) Haryana (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Madhya Pradesh Ans : (C) 5. Which state is the largest producer of tobacco in India ? (A) Gujarat (B) Andhra Pradesh (C) Karnataka (D) Madhya Pradesh Ans : (B) 6. One horned rhinoceros is found in the following states— (A) Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura (B) West Bengal and Assam (C) Arunachal Pradesh and Assam (D) West Bengal and Tripura Ans : (B) Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 2 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 7.Which of the following is different from the remaining three ? (A) Haematite (B) Magnetite (C) Limonite (D) Bauxite Ans : (D) 8. States with the highest and lowest density of population in India are respectively— (A) Uttar Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh (B) West Bengal and Arunachal Pradesh (C) Uttar Pradesh and Sikkim (D) West Bengal and Sikkim Ans : (B) 9. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below— (a) Hirakud Project (b) Haldia Refinery (c) Tarapur Nuclear Station (d) Kudremukh Hills 1. West Bengal 2. Orissa 3. Karnataka 4.Maharashtra Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 1 3 4 (B) 1 2 4 3 (C) 2 1 4 3 (D) 1 2 3 4 Ans : (C) 10. Arrange the following in decreasing order of size and select the correct answer from the codes given below— 1. Jupiter 2. Uranus 3. Earth 4. Sa turn Codes : (A) 1, 4, 3, 2 (B) 4, 1, 2, 3 (C) 1, 4, 2, 3 Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 3 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (D) 4, 1, 3, 2 Ans : (C) 11. Arrange the following from west to east and select the correct answer from the codes given below— 1. London 2. Lisbon 3. Frankfurt 4.Beirut Codes : (A) 1, 2, 3, 4 (B) 2, 1, 3, 4 (C) 2, 1, 4, 3 (D) 1, 2, 4, 3 Ans : (B) 12. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below— (a) Kenya (b) Uganda (c) Uzbekistan (d) Ukraine 1. Tashkent 2. Nairobi 3. Kiev 4. Kampala Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 4 2 1 3 (B) 2 4 1 3 (C) 2 4 3 1 (D) 4 2 3 1 Ans : (B) 13. Maximum strength of Lok Sabha as stipulated in the Constitution of India is— (A) 547 (B) 545 (C) 552 (D) None of these Ans : (C) 14. Which of the following political parties is not a national party as recognized by the Election Commission of India ? A) Nationalist Congress Party Downloaded from : http://www. develo pindiagroup. co. in/ Page 4 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (B) Bahujan Samaj Party (C) Communist Party of India (D) Samajwadi Party Ans : (D) 15. Consider the following statements with respect to qualification to become the member of Rajya Sabha and select the correct answer from the codes given below— 1. should be at least 30 years of age 2. should be registered as a voter on the list of voters in the state from which the candidate is to be elected 3. hould not hold office of profit under the state Codes : (A) 1 and 2 are correct (B) 1 and 3 are correct (C) 2 and 3 are correct (D) 1, 2 and 3 are correct Ans : (*) 16. The 44th Amendment in the Constitution of India removed the following right from the category of Fundamental Right— (A) Freedom of speech (B) Constitutional remedies (C) Property (D) Freedom of religion Ans : (C) 17. Which among the following sectors contributes most to the GDP of India ? (A) Primary sector (B) Secondary sector (C) Tertiary sector (D) A ll three contribute equally Ans : (C) 18. Which is the final authority in India to approve Five Year Plans ? A) Union Council of Ministers (B) Planning Commission (C) Prime Minister (D) None of these Ans : (D) 19. Who is called the pioneer of liberalization of Indian Economy ? (A) Dr. Manmohan Singh Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 5 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (B) P. V. Narsimha Rao (C) Dr. Bimal Jalan (D) P. Chidambaram Ans : (A) 20. Green Index has been developed by— (A) World Bank’s environmentally and socially sustainable development division (B) United Nations environment programme (C) United Nations development programme (D) Kyoto Protocol Ans : (B) 21.Public Distribution System is aimed at— (A) Providing food security to the poor (B) To prevent hoarding and black-marketing (C) To prevent overcharging by traders (D) All of the above Ans : (D) 22. Who among the following released â€Å"Citizens guide to fight corruptionâ €  ? (A) Ministry of Family Welfare (B) Consumer Co-operative Societies (C) Central Vigilance Commission (D) Transparency International Ans : (D) 23. Which of the following is not included in Human Development Index ? (A) Life Expectary (B) Real per Capita Income (C) Social Inequality (D) Adult Literacy Ans : (C) 24.Bharat Nirman includes (select the correct answer from the codes given below)— 1. Bring an additional one crore hectares under assured irrigation 2. To provide road connectivity to all villages that have a population of 2000 3. To give telephone connectivity to the remaining villages Codes : (A) 1 and 2 are correct (B) 1 and 3 are correct (C) 2 and 3 are correct Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 6 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (D) None of the above Ans : (B) 25. What is the size of the eleventh five year plan of India ? (A) Rs. ,64,471 crore (B) Rs. 36,447 crore (C) Rs. 36,44,718 crore (D) Rs. 3,64,47,185 crore Ans : (C) 26. Consi der the following statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below— 1. In Beijing Olympics, Abhinav Bindra won gold medal in 10 metres rifle shooting. 2. In Beijing Olympics, Sushil Kumar won bronze medal in fly weight boxing. Codes : (A) 1 is correct (B) 2 is correct (C) Both are correct (D) None of these Ans : (A) 27. When did India last win a hockey gold medal at the Olympics ? (A) 1964 Tokyo (B) 1972 Munich (C) 1976 Montreal (D) 1980 Moscow Ans : (D) 28.This great hockey player was the prolific goal scorer (24 goals approximately) in 1932 and 1936 Olympics. There was demand in the media to celebrate his birth centenary on 8th September 2008. He spent his later life in Gwalior. Identify him‚ (A) Dhyan Chand (B) Captain Roop Singh (C) Gurmeet Singh (D) A. I. S. Dara Ans : (A) 29. Virendra Sehwag scored his second triple century in the test cricket. He became only the third player in the history to do so. The other two are— (A) Brian Lara and Gary Sobers (B) Donald Bradman and Wally Hammond (C) Gary Sobers and Wally Hammond Downloaded from : http://www. evelopindiagroup. co. in/ Page 7 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (D) Donald Bradman and Brian Lara Ans : (D) 30. Who among the following won the Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratna Award last year (2008) ? (A) M. S. Dhoni (B) Vishwanathan Anand (C) Abhinav Bindra (D) Sachin Tendulkar Ans : (A) 31. Consider the following statements with reference to Beijing Olympics and select the correct answer from the codes given below— 1. Michael Phelps won eight gold medals. 2. Usain Bolt became the fastest man by winning 100 m and 200 m races. 3. Roger Federer won gold medal in Men’s Singles Tennis.Codes : (A) 1 and 2 are correct (B) 1 and 3 are correct (C) 2 and 3 are correct (D) 1, 2 and 3 are correct Ans : (A) 32. Who won the ONGC-IBSF World Billiards Championship in September 2008 at Bangaluru ? (A) Pankaj Advani (B) Geet Sethi (C) Rupesh Shah (D) Peter Gilchrist Ans : (A) 33 . Who won the mixed doubles at US Open 2008 ? (A) Leander Paes—Cara Black (B) Leander Paes—Lisa Raymond (C) Mahesh Bhupathi—Martina Hingis (D) Mahesh Bhupathi—Mary Pierce Ans : (A) 34. Madhya Pradesh won record number of medals in the 33rd National Games at Guwahati in 2007. In which game did Madhya Pradesh win maximum gold medals ? A) Karate (B) Wushu (C) Shooting Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 8 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (D) Athletics Ans : (A) 35. Which among the following awards is given to sportspersons by the Government of Madhya Pradesh ? (A) Arjun Award (B) Vikram Award (C) Dronacharya Award (D) Khel Ratna Award Ans : (B) 36. Which of the following is not a style of swimming ? (A) Free-style (B) Back stroke (C) Front stroke (D) Butterfly Ans : (C) 37. Who won the AFC Challenge Cup Football Championship in August 2008 ? (A) India (B) Tajikistan (C) Turkmenistan (D) DPR Korea Ans : (A) 38.Who is the first Indian woman chess player to cross 2600 ELO rating ? (A) Koneru Humpy (B) Tania Sachdev (C) P. Harika (D) S. Vijay Laxmi Ans : (A) 39. Where was 2nd All Star Asian Athletics Championship organized in September 2008 ? (A) Pune (B) Bangaluru (C) Indore (D) Bhopal Ans : (D) 40. Who among the following cricketers from Madhya Pradesh has not played for India in a test match ? (A) Narendra Hirwani (B) Amay Khurasiya Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 9 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (C) Mushtaq Ali (D) Rajesh Chauhan Ans : (B) 41.Two new districts were formed in Madhya Pradesh in the year 2008. Identify— (A) Alirajpur and Burhanpur (B) Burhanpur and Anooppur (C) Singrauli and Anooppur (D) Singrauli and Alirajpur Ans : (D) 42. Which of the following cities is closest to IST (Indian Standard Time) meridian ? (A) Rewa (B) Sagar (C) Ujjain (D) Hoshangabad Ans : (A) 43. Which of the following national highways has the longest length in Madhya Pradesh ? (A) NH-3 Ag ra-Gwalior-Dewas-Bombay (Mumbai) (B) NH-7 Varanasi-Rewa-Jabalpur-Salem (C) NH-12 Jabalpur-Bhopal-Jaipur (D) NH-26 Jhansi-Sagar-Lakhnadon Ans : (A) 44.Consider the time of sun rise in Sidhi and Jhabua, and choose the correct option— (A) Sidhi will have sun rise 1 hour earlier (B) Jhabua will have sun rise 1 hour earlier (C) Sidhi will have sun rise ? hour earlier (D) Jhabua will have sun rise ? hour earlier Ans : (D) 45. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below— (a) Chhindwara (b) Mandala (c) Jhabua (d) Shivpuri 1. Bhil 2. Bharia 3. Gond 4. Sahariya Codes : Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 10 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 4 1 3 (B) 1 3 2 4 (C) 2 3 1 4 (D) 1 4 2 3 Ans : (C) 46.Sanskrit University has been set up at— (A) Gwalior (B) Ujjain (C) Rewa (D) Jabalpur Ans : (B) 47. Which of the following is not a world heritage site ? (A) Khajuraho temples (B) Bhimbetka caves (C) San chi stupa (D) Mandu palace Ans : (D) 48. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below— (a) Bhoj (b) Durgawati (c) Samudragupta (d) Ashok 1. Ujjain 2. Vidisha 3. Dhar 4. Gondwana Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 4 3 2 1 (B) 3 4 1 2 (C) 4 3 1 2 (D) 3 4 2 1 Ans : (D) 49. Which of the following rivers does not fall into river Yamuna ? (A) Ken (B) Betwa (C) SonDownloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 11 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (D) Chambal Ans : (C) 50. Which of the following dams is not on Narmada river ? (A) Bargi (B) Omkareshwar (C) Indira Sagar (D) Ban Sagar Ans : (D) 51. ‘Badhai’ is— (A) Folk dance of Bundelkhand (B) Folk dance of Malwa (C) Festival celebrated in Bhopal on 2nd day after Diwali (D) Folk music of Bundelkhand Ans : (A) 52. Which among the following districts of Madhya Pradesh has a problem of soil erosion ? (A) Jabalpur (B) Bhopal (C) Morena (D) Khandwa Ans : (C) 53.Match the following a nd select the correct answer from the codes given below— (a) Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) (b) Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM) (c) Indian Institute of Management (IIM) (d) Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research (IISER) 1. Indore 2. Bhopal 3. Jabalpur 4. Gwalior Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 3 4 2 1 (B) 3 4 1 2 (C) 4 3 1 2 (D) 4 3 2 1 Ans : (B) Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 12 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 54.Which National Park/Sanctuary has been selected to house Gir lions ? (A) Pench (B) Kanha (C) Bandhavgarh (D) Palpur Kuno Ans : (D) 55. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below— (a) Zari Batua (b) Bhairavagarh prints (c) Handicrafts of Bagh (d) Sarees of Chanderi 1. Ujjain 2. Dhar 3. Bhopal 4. Ashok Nagar Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 3 1 2 4 (B) 1 3 4 2 (C) 1 3 2 4 (D) 3 1 4 2 Ans : (A) 56. Who amongst the following has served longest as Chief Minister ? (A) Pandit Ravishankar Shukla (B) Arjun Singh (C) Dr. Kailashnath Katju (D) Digvijay Singh Ans : (D) 57.Which party amongst the following is neither nationally recognised party nor a party recognized for the state of Madhya Pradesh ? (A) Bahujan Samaj Party (B) Samajwadi Party (C) Gondwana Ganatantra Party (D) Communist Party of India Ans : (C) 58. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below— In Madhya Pradesh : 1. Zila Panchayat Adhyaksha (President) is elected through indirect election. Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 13 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 2. 50% seats are reserved for women in Panchayati Raj. . Sarpanch is elected through direct election. Codes : (A) 1 and 2 are correct (B) 1 and 3 are correct (C) 2 and 3 are correct (D) 1, 2 and 3 are correct Ans : (D) 59. Where is the automobile industry cluster of Madhya Pradesh ? (A) Pithampur (B) Malanpur (C) Mandideep (D) Maneri Ans : (A) 60. Of which crop is Madhya Pradesh the largest producer in the country ? (A) Rice (B) Wheat (C) Jowar (D) Soyabean Ans : (D) 61. Arrange the following districts in decreasing order of per hectare fertilizer consumption and select the correct answer from the codes given below— 1.Indore 2. Dindori 3. Hoshangabad 4. Mandala Codes : (A) 1, 3, 4, 2 (B) 4, 2, 1, 3 (C) 4, 1, 3, 2 (D) 1, 2, 3, 4 Ans : (A) 62. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below— (a) Jamunapari (b) Bhadawari (c) Kadaknath (d) Malwi 1. Cow Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 14 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 2. Goat 3. Buffalo 4. Poultry Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 3 4 1 (B) 2 1 4 3 (C) 4 1 2 3 (D) 4 3 2 1 Ans : (A) 63. Coal Bed Methane has been found in— (A) Shahdol (B) Sagar (C) Jabalpur (D) Ujjain Ans : (A) 64.Madhya Pradesh is the largest producer of the following minerals in the countr y— (A) Coal and Diamond (B) Copper and Iron (C) Coal and Copper (D) Copper and Diamond Ans : (D) 65. Which of the following sectors has been given the maximum allocation in the XI five year plan of Madhya Pradesh ? (A) Health (B) Education (C) Power (D) Irrigation Ans : (C) 66. Which of the following places has 500 MW unit for electricity generation ? (A) Birsinghpur (B) Sarani (C) Chachai (D) Chhindwara Ans : (A) 67. Which among the following districts has most adverse sex ratio ? (A) Morena Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/Page 15 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (B) Balaghat (C) Jhabua (D) Rewa Ans : (A) 68. Which among the following districts has the highest literacy rate ? (A) Bhopal (B) Narsinghpur (C) Jabalpur (D) Indore Ans : (B) 69. How many districts of Madhya Pradesh are covered under NREGA ? (A) All districts (B) 18 districts (C) 31 districts (D) None of these Ans : (A) 70. Which of the following cities is not covered under JNNURM ? (A) Indo re (B) Jabalpur (C) Gwalior (D) Ujjain Ans : (C) 71. In an open ground, Rakesh walks 20 metres towards north, takes a left turn and walks 40 metres; again takes a left turn and walks 50 metres.How far is he from the starting point ? (A) 110 metres (B) 70 metres (C) 50 metres (D) 40 metres Ans : (C) 72. Fill up the blank— 5 7 74 11 8 185 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 205 (A) 13 (B) 15 (C) 10 Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 16 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (D) 12 Ans : (A) 73. Fill in the blank— McCain : Obama : : Palin :†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (A) Gore (B) Rice (C) Biden (D) Clinton Ans : (C) 74. Fill up the blank— 5 9 21 37 81 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (A) 163 (B) 153 (C) 183 (D) 203 Ans : (B) 75. Which diagram best represents the relationship of Doctors, Engineers and Professors ? Ans : (D) Directions—(Q. 6 to 78) : Consider the following data about marks obtained (out of 100) : Marks Subjects History Geography Economic 10–19 20–29 3 0–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–79 80–89 90–100 1 1 1 10 27 48 9 3 Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 17 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 02 3 2 12 20 42 17 2 01 4 1 9 16 48 17 4 0 Pass marks is 40. First division marks is 60. 76. Which subject has the highest pass percentage ? (A) History (B) Geography (C) Economics (D) All are equal Ans : (A) 77. Which subject has most first divisioners ? (A) History (B) Geography (C) Economics (D) All re equal Ans : (C) 78. In which subject is the average of marks scored maximum ? (A) History (B) Geography (C) Economics (D) All are equal Ans : (C) Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 18 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 79. A school has 12 teachers. One of them retires at the age of 62 years and a new teacher replaces him. The change reduces the average age of the staff by 3 years. What is the age of the new teacher ? (A) 22 years (B) 24 years (C) 26 yea rs (D) 28 years Ans : (C) 80. A 50 metres long train passes over a bridge at a velocity of 30 km/hour.If it takes 36 seconds to cross the bridge, the length of the bridge is— (A) 200 m (B) 250 m (C) 300 m (D) 350 m Ans : (B) 81. A football league has 12 teams. Tournament is to be played on double round robin followed by the two top teams playing the Final. Round robin means that each team plays every other team. How many matches will be played in the tournament ? (A) 132 (B) 133 (C) 67 (D) 66 Ans : (A) Directions—Based on the following information, answer the question 82 to 85 : Sachin, Rahul, Virendra, Anil and Ishant are wearing Red, Blue, White, Black and Brown pants and caps (not in order).No one is wearing the cap and the pant of the same colour. All of them are wearing pants of different colours and caps of different colours. Every one of them is carrying one of the items namely Bat, Ball, Stumps, Gloves and Pads. Further, it is given that : (i) Sachin is wearing brown cap. (ii) Ishant is not wearing a blue or red pant. (iii) Gloves is being carried by the one who is wearing blue pant. (iv) Rahul is wearing white cap. (v) Virendra is wearing black pant. (vi) Anil is wearing red cap and brown pant. (vii) One who is wearing red pant is carrying pads. (viii) One who is wearing brown pant is carrying bat. 82.What is the colour of Virendra’s cap ? (A) Red Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 19 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (B) White (C) Blue (D) Cannot be determined Ans : (C) 83. What item is being carried by the person wearing white pant ? (A) Stumps (B) Ball (C) Gloves (D) Stumps or Ball Ans : (D) 84. Who is wearing the blue pant ? (A) Sachin (B) Ishant (C) Sachin or Rahul (D) Rahul or Ishant Ans : (C) 85. If Rahul is wearing red pant, what is the correct combination ? (A) Sachin—Brown cap—Black pant (B) Anil—Red cap—Blue pant (C) Virendra—Blue cap—Brown pant (D) Ish ant—Black cap—White pant Ans : (D) 86.Under National e-Governance Plan, SWAN is— (A) State Wide Area Network (B) Systems Wide Area Network (C) State Wise Area Network (D) Systems Wise Area Network Ans : (A) 87. Under National e-Governance Plan, CSC is— (A) Citizen Service Centre (B) Common Service Centre (C) Community Service Centre (D) Computer Service Centre Ans : (B) 88. Google company has launched a new browser in third quarter of 2008. It is— (A) Chrome Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 20 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (B) Lycos (C) Alta-vista (D) Mozilla Firefox Ans : (A) 89.First fully computer literate district in the country is— (A) Ernakulam (B) Villupuram (C) Thiruvallur (D) Malappuram Ans : (D) 90. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below— (a) Narayan Murthy (b) Azim Premji (c) Ramlingam Raju (d) Ramadurai 1. Wipro 2. TCS 3. Infosys 4. Satyam Computers Code s : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 1 4 3 (B) 3 1 4 2 (C) 3 4 1 2 (D) 2 4 1 3 Ans : (B) 91. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below— 1. . Net (Dot Net) Framework has been developed by Microsoft 2.Java is an open source technology developed by Sun Microsystems Codes : (A) Only 1 is correct (B) Only 2 is correct (C) Both 1 and 2 are correct (D) None is correct Ans : (C) 92. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below— 1. Proxy server provides TCP/IP address 2. Proxy server processes clients requests by forwarding the requests to other servers. Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 21 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 Codes : (A) Only 1 is correct (B) Only 2 is correct (C) Both 1 and 2 are correct (D) None is correct Ans : (C) 93.An exclusively private network used by employees of a company in a single location will be classified as— (A) Internet (B) Local Area Network (C) Wide Area Network (D) ARPANET Ans : (B) 94. In a database, field is— (A) label (B) table of information (C) group of related records (D) category of information Ans : (D) 95. A million bytes is approximately— (A) Gigabyte (B) Kilobyte (C) Megabyte (D) Terabyte Ans : (C) 96. To increase the length of a network without loss of signal strength, we would use— (A) Repeater (B) Router (C) Gateway (D) Switch Ans : (A) 97.If a domain name ends with . edu. us, then it is— (A) An international organization (B) A non-profit organization (C) An educational institute in Australia (D) An educational institute in USA Ans : (D) Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 22 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 98. Word Processors, Spread sheets are examples of— (A) System Software (B) Application Software (C) Platform Software (D) None of these Ans : (B) 99. Which of the following is not an output device ? (A) Drum pen plotter (B) C RT monitor (C) Earphones (D) Digital camera Ans : (D) 100.One of the first viruses to attract wide spread public attention was designed to infect MS-DOS on 6th March 1992. Name of the virus is— (A) Brain (B) Catch me if you can (C) Michaelangelo (D) Friday the thirteenth Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. 101 to 110) : The following ten questions consist of two statements; one labelled as the ‘Assertion (A)’ and the other as ‘Reason (R)’. You have to examine the two statements and select the answer to these questions using the code below— (A) Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are individually true but R) is not correct explanation of (A). (C) (A) is true but (R) is false. (D) (A) is false but (R) is true. 101. Assertion (A) : In India, electricity distribution companies calculate the consumption of electricity in kWh. Reason (R) : Electrical System in India works at a frequency of 60 Hz. Ans : (C) 102. Assertion (A) : A plant which has nitrogen deficiency will show symptoms like stunted growth and pale green and yellow leaves. Reason (R): Nitrogen is responsible for green leaf growth. Ans : (A) Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 23 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 03. Assertion (A) : Gypsum is added to cooled clinkers of cement. Reason (R) : Gypsum speeds up the setting time of cement. Ans : (A) 104. Assertion (A) : People with AB blood groups are universal recipients. Reason (R) : Red blood cell of blood group AB has no antigen and so agglutination does not occur with any other blood group. Ans : (C) 105. Assertion (A) : Wind patterns are clockwise in southern hemisphere and anticlockwise in northern hemisphere. Reason (R) : The directions of wind patterns in northern and southern hemisphere are governed by Coriolis effect. Ans : (A) 106.Assertion (A) : Protest, led by Lala Lajpat Rai, was organized in Lahore in 1928 against Sim on Commission. Reason (R) : Simon Commission did not have a single Indian member in it. Ans : (A) 107. Assertion (A) : Foodgrain production per capita in Madhya Pradesh is less than the national average. Reason (R) : The productivity of foodgrains in Madhya Pradesh is less than the national average. Ans : (A) 108. Assertion (A) : The Indian Constitution is basically federal in form. Reason (R) : Article 352 has provisions in case of failure of constitutional machinery in states. Ans : (B) 109.Assertion (A) : Lehman Brothers (an investment banking company of US) filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in September 2008. Reason (R) : Subprime lending was one of the major causes of financial crisis. Ans : (A) 110. Assertion (A) : CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) is the world’s largest particle Physics laboratory. Reason (R) : CERN is French aeronym of the name of the provisional body founded 2 years before the organization came into existence. Ans : (A) 111. Formation of Ozone hole is maximum over— (A) India Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. o. in/ Page 24 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (B) Africa (C) Antarctica (D) Europe Ans : (C) 112. Steel is mainly an alloy of Iron and— (A) Chromium (B) Nickel (C) Manganese (D) Carbon Ans : (D) 113. Aryabhatta was launched on— (A) 19th April, 1975 (B) 6th December, 1957 (C) 31st January, 1958 (D) 2nd October, 1980 Ans : (A) 114. ‘Project Tiger’ in India was started in— (A) 1970 (B) 1973 (C) 1981 (D) 1984 Ans : (B) 115. Gas released during Bhopal gas tragedy was— (A) Methyl isothiocyanate (B) Ethyl isothiocyanate (C) Methyl isocyanate (D) Ethyl isocyanate Ans : (C) 116.Light year is the unit of— (A) Time (B) Distance (C) Speed of light (D) Speed with respect to speed of light Ans : (B) 117. An ice cube is floating in a glass of water. What happens to the water level when the ice melts ? It— Downloaded from : http://www. d evelopindiagroup. co. in/ Page 25 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (A) rises (B) falls (C) remains the same (D) first rises and then falls Ans : (C) 118. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below— (a) Anaemia (b) Goiter (c) Night blindness (d) Beri-beri 1. Vitamin B deficiency 2. Iron deficiency 3.Iodine deficiency 4. Vitamin A deficiency Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 1 3 4 (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 1 2 3 4 (D) 2 3 4 1 Ans : (B) 119. Which of the following lens is used to minimize Myopia ? (A) Convex lens (B) Concave lens (C) Cylindrical lens (D) None of these Ans : (B) 120. India’s first atomic power station is— (A) BARC (B) Tarapur Atomic Power Station (C) Narora Atomic Power Station (D) None of these Ans : (B) 121. A fan produces feeling of comfort during hot weather because— (A) Fan supplies cold air (B) Our perspiration evaporates rapidly (C) Out body radiates more heatDownloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 26 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (D) Conductivity of air increases Ans : (B) 122. Which among the following countries is not a member of Nuclear Suppliers Group ? (A) China (B) New Zealand (C) Ireland (D) Iran Ans : (D) 123. Which river in Bihar changed its course in the year 2008 and caused calamity ? (A) Ganga (B) Gandak (C) Kosi (D) Ghaghra Ans : (C) 124. United Nations declared the year 2008 as the International Year of— (A) Sanitation (B) Drinking water (C) Literacy (D) Reduction of infant mortality Ans : (A) 125.Violence against Christians erupted in Orissa after the murder of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati in August 2008. Which district was the worst affected ? (A) Keonjhar (B) Bargarh (C) Sambalpur (D) Kandhamal Ans : (D) 126. Which film received the best feature film award at the 54th National Film Awards ? (A) Pulijanmam (Malayalam) (B) Kabul Express (C) Lage Raho Munna Bhai (D) Podokkhep (Bengali) Ans : (A) 127. According to the Article 82 of the Constituti on of India, the allocation of seats in Lok Sabha to the states is on the basis of the †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ census. (A) 1961 Downloaded from : http://www. evelopindiagroup. co. in/ Page 27 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (B) 1971 (C) 1981 (D) 1991 Ans : (B) 128. Russia recognized independence of Georgia’s two territories in August 2008. The two territories are— (A) Kosovo and Dushanbe (B) Kosovo and South Ossetia (C) Abkhazia and Dushanbe (D) South Ossetia and Abkhazia Ans : (D) 129. Which country was the first after the ban on India was lifted by the Nuclear Suppliers Group, to sign an agreement that would allow supply of civil nuclear technology to India ? (A) USA (B) Italy (C) Russia (D) France Ans : (D) 130.What is the cut-off date for recognition of rights under â€Å"The Scheduled Tribes and other traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006† ? (A) 13th September, 1976 (B) 13th December, 2006 (C) 13th September, 2005 (D) 13th Dece mber, 2005 Ans : (D) 131. Who amongst the following did not share Nobel Prize for Physics in 2008 ? (A) Tohide Yasakawa (B) Makoto Kabayashi (C) Toshihide Maskawa (D) Yoichiro Nambu Ans : (A) 132. Name of the spacecraft for India’s mission moon is— (A) Chandrayaan-I (B) Chandrayaan-II (C) Antariksha (D) Change I Ans : (A)Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 28 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 133. Who among the following was Secretary, Economic Affairs, Government of India and then became Governor, Reserve Bank of India in September 2008 ? (A) Y. V. Reddy (B) D. Rangarajan (C) T. K. Nair (D) D. Subbarao Ans : (D) 134. To which place did Ratan Tata decide to move the Nano Project from Singur ? (A) Pithampur (B) Pune (C) Sanand (D) Gopalpur Ans : (C) 135. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below— 1.Mohenjo Daro, Harappa, Ropar and Kalibangan are important places of Indus Valley Civilization 2. Harappan people developed planned cities with network of streets and drainage system 3. Harappan people did not know use of metals Codes : (A) 1 and 2 are correct (B) 1 and 3 are correct (C) 2 and 3 are correct (D) 1, 2 and 3 are correct Ans : (A) 136. Which Indian king defeated Seleucus, the administrator of Sindh and Afghanistan appointed by Alexander ? (A) Samudragupta (B) Ashok (C) Bindusar (D) Chandragupta Ans : (D) 137.Which English Governor of East India Company in India was expelled by Aurangzeb ? (A) Aungier (B) Sir John Child (C) Sir John Gayer (D) Sir Nicholas Waite Ans : (B) Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 29 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 138. First decisive military success of English East India Company in India is marked by— (A) Battle of Buxar (B) Battle of Plassey (C) Battle of Panipat (D) Battle of Haldighati Ans : (A) 139. Bhils revolted against the British in— (A) M. P. and Maharashtra (B) M. P. and Bihar (C) Biha r and Bengal (D) Bengal and Maharashtra Ans : (A) 140.The modern historian who called the revolt of 1857 as the first war of indepdence was— (A) Dr. R. C. Majumdar (B) Dr. S. N. Sen (C) V. D. Savarkar (D) Ashok Mehta Ans : (C) 141. The newspaper brought out by Bal Gangadhar Tilak to promote nationalism was— (A) Yugantar (B) Deshbhakti (C) Kesari (D) Kranti Ans : (C) 142. Why did Mahatma Gandhi withdraw Non-Cooperation Movement in 1922 ? (A) Most of the leaders were arrested and were in prison (B) British agreed to partly fulfil the demands (C) Because of Chauri-Chaura violence (D) He saw no chance of success of the movement Ans : (C) 143.Arrange the following in chronological order and select the correct answer from the codes given below— 1. Dandi March 2. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 3. Quit India Movement 4. Swadeshi Movement Codes : Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 30 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 (A) 2, 4, 1, 3 (B) 4, 2, 1, 3 (C) 2, 1, 4, 3 (D) 4, 2, 3, 1 Ans : (B) 144. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below— (a) Bipin Chandra Pal (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (c) Brahmobandhab Upadhyay (d) Muhammad Ali 1. New India 2. Comrade 3. Vande Mataram 4.Sandhya Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 3 4 2 (B) 2 1 3 4 (C) 2 1 4 3 (D) 1 3 2 4 Ans : (A) 145. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below— (a) Doctrine of Lapse (b) Partition of Bengal (c) Dual government in Bengal (d) Social Reforms 1. Curzon 2. Clive 3. Dalhousie 4. Bentinck Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 3 1 4 (B) 3 1 4 2 (C) 3 1 2 4 (D) 2 3 4 1 Ans : (C) 146. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below— 1. Subhash Chandra Bose formed the Forward Bloc Downloaded from : http://www. evelopindiagroup. co. in/ Page 31 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 2. Bhagat Singh was one of the founders of Hindustan Republican Socialist Association Codes : (A) Only 1 is correct (B) Only 2 is correct (C) Both 1 and 2 are correct (D) None of the above Ans : (C) 147. Jammu and Kashmir became an integral part of India on— (A) 26th October, 1948 (B) 26th November, 1948 (C) 26th October, 1947 (D) None of these Ans : (C) 148. The first declared war between India and Pakistan was fought in the year— (A) 1962 (B) 1965 (C) 1966 (D) 1971 Ans : (B) 149.Which important latitude divides India into two almost equal parts ? (A) 23 ° 30’ South (B) 33 ° 30’ North (C) 0 ° (D) 23 ° 30’ North Ans : (D) 150. The westernmost point of India is— (A) 68 ° 7’ W in Gujarat (B) 68 ° 7’ W in Rajasthan (C) 68 ° 7’ E in Gujarat (D) 68 ° 7’ E in Rajasthan Ans : (C) Downloaded from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 32 MPPSC General Studies Paper 2009 You can contact us for any Question Papers of any year call us at 09999811970 Only in 100/- per question paper Downloade d from : http://www. developindiagroup. co. in/ Page 33